chapter 5

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     Chapter 5

     When I woke up this morning I felt nauseous again and eventually puked. I didn’t really know what was wrong. I mean I always feel better in the afternoon and I’m a very healthy person.  What also sucked was that I missed my first two hours today because of it. And it was the first day!

   I got like a dozen messages and phone calls from Sky but I didn’t answer any of them. I hoped in my car and drove to school signing myself in late.

    When I got to class Skylar was sitting in the back of the class and saved me a seat. “Why didn’t you answer my texts and calls!?” She whispered/yelled at me.

   “I’m sorry. I was puking my guts out again.” I yelled back. She grunted and sat back in her chair. The next few classes went by pretty quick and by the time it was lunch I was so hungry.

  “Come on!!! I’m fricking hungry!” I said as I dragged Sky down the hallway. After we got done eating I felt sick again but I didn’t puke this time. When the bell rang me and Skylar headed to our next class.

   When we got close to the room we heard people talking. One voice sounded very, very familiar. “Some one sounds familiar. Who is th-“ I froze. No way. It cant be.

    “Okay class, come in sit down. Today we are goin-“ He froze when he saw me in the door way. Every one was staring and wondering why we were staring at each other.

   “Um… I… Uh come in and take a seat. We’ll… get started in just a minute.” He told us. As he took roll he stumbled on my name a little and then told us what we would be doing. “Aaralyn Price? Can I speak to you after class?” I nodded and waited till the bell rang.

   When it did ring I packed up my things but sat still in my seat. Once every one was out of the room he shut and locked the door.

     “Why didn’t you tell me you went to Rose High?” Ryder asked me. “Oh and did you fail to let me know before I slept with a minor!?” He wasn’t my first though. I had lost my V-Card about a year ago. He was my only other real love but it ended when he moved three states away.

    “Technically, I’m not a minor. I turned eighteen a couple months before summer.” I told he he just looked at me like I was crazy.

    “Who cares! You are still my student. It has to end. Like right now. We could both get in big trouble and I cant let that happen!” He shouted. I was shocked. Just yesterday he was in love with me.

   “What!? What are you talking about? We cant just give up a whole summer because on small obstacle gets in our way!” He looked pained but said what he said anyway.

    “It was a mistake. I just cant do this, I was kidding myself. I think my feelings are just not here anymore.”

    “What do you mean ‘you think’?” I asked. “Just yesterday you called me thirty times in and hour to make sure I was okay.”

    “Well it can’t happen. It has to stop. We cant do this I’m sorry Aaralyn.” He never called me Aaralyn. It was always Aara or Aara Bear. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

    “Fine!” I ran out of the room and down the hall. Next period had already started so no one was in the halls. I couldn’t stay here and see him again so I just hoped in my car and left.

    I didn’t want to go home so I went to the park down the street instead. I sat at the bottom of the tree trunk crying. I couldn’t believe he did that and said those things right after just the other day! The whole summer we spent basically 24/7 together.

    My phone kept ringing letting me know I was getting text messages. Finally I just shut it off. It was just Sky any way. I looked at a couple before I shut it off and a few were from Aaron my other friend. We have been friends as little kids and then he moved away. Once he moved back we started hang out again and have been friends for a couple of years now.

    When I stopped crying it was already past time that school got out. I was expecting the park would have already been collecting people as they came with their kids but nobody was here. I turned my phone back on and read a couple of messages.

   Sky, “I’m so sorry! Where r u??”

   Sky, “Come on txt me back”

   Aaron, “Hey I saw you this morning but you weren’t here this afternoon where’d u go?”

   Sky, “I know your upset but tell me where you r”

   Most of them were from Skylar but I never answered them back. I got up off the ground and walked down the road and stopped outside of the Flo’s Ice Cream shop.

    Ryder would always bring me here after a bad day or at the end of some of our dates. I walked in and got Ryder’s favorite ice cream. I sat down in one of the booths and slowly ate the ice cream.

    My eyes filled with tears once again as I tried to not think of all the times me and Ryder would share our ice cream.   

   When I finally got done with my ice cream I got up and headed for the door. As I opened the door the cold air hit my face and the tears came down my face even more. I got in my car not wanting anyone to see my tears and sat there for about five minutes.

    Why was I beating myself up over this? He was just a guy. They come and go. I dried my tears and drove to my house.

    I opened my door, dropped my bag on the floor then turned to jump on my bed. “Ahh!! Holy shit Sky! Why are you laying on my bed in the dark?” I screamed at her. She really is a weird person but I still loved her.

   “Well you weren’t answering any of my calls or text so I came over here after school and your door was unlocked.” I glared at her. “Okay I might of took the key from under that lose piece of citing.” Yeah that’s what I thought.

    “Well that still doesn’t explain the reason you are laying on my bed with the lights off.” I went into my bathroom and tried to make it look like I hadn’t been crying for the passed hour and a half.

   “Aara? Are you okay?” And then I burst in to tears again. Curse myself for being such an emotional person.

  “Just f-fine.” I stuttered. She came up behind me and hugged me. I turned around and layed my head on her shoulder.

   “We should have a movie and ice cream sleep over tonight.” She said I nodded. The rest of that night we both sat on my bed stuffing our faces with ice cream and crying our eyes out over movies.

 Okay I hope you liked this chapter. Let me know please.


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