Chapter Eight

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The next two days flew by in a blur of last-minute preparations and excitement. Before Em knew it, Thursday was dawning and with it a flurry of activity that kept her from dwelling on the current, uncertain state of her life.

Balthazar did as she asked and went to the club to have a chat with Sam. Her boss had readily agreed that she needed a break, and he would be happy to hold her job for her until she was ready to return.

Balthazar would do the same with Bastion in the morning before they left town. Em hated having to lie to him, but, as Balthazar had pointed out, it would be safer for him if her friend was kept in the dark. If Crimson compelled Bastion, he wouldn't have any information and would most likely walk away unscathed. Crimson wasn't known to kill indiscriminately.

All Em had to do was get through the evening and in the morning Balthazar would take her away to a close friend's lake house a few states over. The friend held the same sort of beliefs as Balthazar, so he could be trusted.

The previous night, as they curled up in her bed, their bodies sated for the moment, they spoke quietly about what might happen. Though he'd always been a very private person, he was able to open up to her a little. He wouldn't talk about his past or how he was turned. The look of sadness on his handsome face kept her from asking. Instead, he told her what he knew of Crimson, trying to convey how dangerous the situation was without driving her away. It was a delicate balance, but he must have been successful since she hadn't bolted in the morning.

Thursday afternoon finally arrived, and Em left Balthazar at his apartment to finish packing and set off for the studio. She kept an eye out for Crimson, but he didn't appear on her way there, nor was he among any of the people coming and going from the studio.

The end of the year recital was a bittersweet event for her. It was the last she'd see of her little dancers before summer break. While she liked the freedom of just concentrating or her second job, she missed the excited little creatures that occupied her world several times a week. This year it held a deeper sense of sadness. If she didn't make it out of whatever she'd been dragged into, she'd never see those sweet little spirits again.

She sighed softly as she entered the building, then straightened her shoulders and forced a smile to her lips. Once she'd taken a few minutes to shake off the sense of dread that had been building since she'd left her apartment building, she started setting out chairs. With Bastion's help, she had that task finished half an hour before everything was set to start.

Earlier that day, one end of the studio had been transformed into a stage. Bastion went to check over the speakers while she greeted some of the early arrivals. The smile on her lips wasn't as forced as the one she'd applied earlier as the little costumed dancers began filing in. So many sweet voices filled the air, explaining to parents where to sit and don't forget to take a video for grandma because she said she really wants to see me dance. Em laughed softly. It was the same every year. The energy was infectious.

The show started on time and ran with just a minimal amount of chaos. Bastion was an enormous help as a sound guy slash child wrangler. Em watched the numbers with her heart in her throat. She swallowed back tears several times. Pride didn't quite capture how seeing those kids that night made her feel.

After it ended, and she stood on the stage thanking everyone for their support throughout the year, she found herself choked up several times. Hugs with several little people were exchanged. Then she was alone in the crowd, watching everyone mix together at the other end of the room where the refreshments had been set out.

Bastion came up behind her and put an arm around her shoulders. They'd been through this part before. He knew how it affected her. She leaned into him and took a deep breath.

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