Chapter Six

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The key card sat in her purse all day Monday, waiting for her to pull it out and decide. Dusk had fallen during class. If she left as soon as she locked up, she could make it downtown just as the sun set completely.

Bastion will be so proud of you.

A little snort escaped her as she turned the key in the lock. On her way to the train station, she dug around in her purse, then pulled out her phone.

Hey good looking. I won't be in tonight. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

It took a few minutes for him to respond.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. Just going to see someone. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, send the police to the Regency Downtown. Room 1021.

Okay. Be safe, my girl. And have fun. I want details later.

It's just a conversation you bad influence.

Sure it is. Tell Crimson I said hey. LOL


She tossed her phone in her bag with a laugh. Crimson had made it very clear that he wanted more than just a casual chat with her, but if she was determined, she might be able to hold him off long enough to have an actual conversation and maybe even get some information.

She knew Balthazar had been gone for weeks, but there was the fuzzy sense that she'd been with him recently. It must have been a dream, it had to have been a dream, and yet she was positive that they'd talked. And when she'd asked where he'd been, he said something about protecting her. Which didn't make any sense. Who was he protecting her from?

Then there was Crimson.

She had the sense that there was way more to his story than just sexual attraction. The guy was so good looking he could easily have any woman he wanted. Why did he keep coming back to her? Why could she hear his voice whispering to not be afraid of him, that she should come to him?

And why was she doing just that and not running in the other direction, as anyone with a shred of common sense would?

She was grabbed and propelled into the room as soon as she slipped into the room. The room was a crazy blur of dimness as he used his hold on her to shove her up against the wall, then pressed his chest against her to keep her there.

And yet she wasn't scared.

Confused? Yes. But frightened? No.

Her eyebrows came together with the force of her frown. Why was that?

"Crimson," she whispered. "It's me." The fingers on the back of her head slid down slightly. "I want to talk."

"I didn't give you a key so we could have a chitchat." His breath tickled her neck, it sent a wave of shivers down her back.

"Okay, well, I just got here. Can you at least give me a minute?"

He drew in an exasperated breath. "But you smell so—" His fingers tightened in her hair. "Delicious."

"I'm pretty sure I smell gross after dancing for three hours."

"I like it." The tip of his tongue swiped the curve of her neck. "Mmm salty. Like the ocean." His hand relaxed a bit. "Did you really come here just to talk?"

"I thought so."

"And you've changed your mind?"

"Maybe? I don't know."

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