Day 8 •Jade

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Abbie, James, Luke, and I are going to school. We hated not going to school without food so we stopped to get some food from the taco truck at the corner of our school.

We went into our school and saw Amy and Will. I didn't really care anymore. Even though he was my crush for 2 years or more I don't care. I'm happy with Luke.

  Anyways, when we saw Amy and Will they were.... fighting? I don't know what they were fighting about but it seems serious. I'm over here laughing in the corner.

  Minding my own business Will comes up to me and says "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Wanna start dating?" He clearly was looking at Amy while saying that. I looked at him and then at Amy and tapped Will. I made sure he was looking and I went ahead and kissed Luke.

He was furious but I was just laughing in my head. Amy was laughing loudly as I walked away from Will. "I love you Luke and I will never leave you for that dirty ass jerk, ever."

"You what? Repeat that again. Say it again!"

"I love you?" I said in confusion.

"You love me!!" He said in excitement.

I smiled and said "you know it's rude to not say it back to someone. :p" I looked at him in the derpiest way. And he laughed.

"I love you too Jade Garcia. You are my everything. And I'm so happy that we are together."

I giggled and told him "YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT"

"Hear what? Oh oh wait yep you giggled I'm going to tell everyone." He said as he ran away knowing that I'll beat his ass. I smile as a chase after him.

I heard Abby calling my name and screaming "WAIT UP" but I really didn't care. So I just kept running after Luke.

I love him so much.


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