
 “I don't have to go.” I frown, looking at Mahogany. I was sat at my suitcase, packing all the new clothes I have purchased in the past few days. We do retail therapy best, and Florida's shopping is insane.

 “Yes you do, you promised Jack. I'm okay here, honestly. Will and Preston are really nice and welcoming. And I really like the Florida sun. I'll be okay, it's only five days Drew.”

 “Are you sure?” I ask.

 “More than sure. Go see him, he misses you. I am okay, I swear. This is has been an amazing week, and it wouldn't be if it weren't for you. Drew, you're fixing me.”

 “No Mahogany, we're fixing each other.”

 She hugged me, warm tears rolling down her cheeks. I didn't exactly want to let go of her, but I knew, I had to see Jack. To maybe try and explain to him why Mahogany is living with me, why these last few days have been insane.

 I was packing, I had a ride to the airport ahead of me. Jack was excited, he would be picking me up. I gave him the address to the private air field and everything. My Omaha boy would be standing there when I got off the plane.

 But first I have to fly to the other side of the country. I didn't wan to say goodbye to Mahogany and Preston. I would see Mahogany in five days, but Preston, at least not for a week or two, if Will and him decide to visit us while we're on tour.

 “I'll miss you kid, see you soon. I love you.” Preston spoke, as I was ready to get into the car.

 “Love you too Pres,” I sighed, sinking into his hug.

“My turn,” Mahogany said, I hugged her next. “Five days Drew, that's all. South Carolina will be waiting for us.”

 “We'll kill it there, like we always do.” I smiled, not wanting to let go again. I got into the car, shutting the door. “Stay strong red, I'll see you soon. And Preston, keep Will in line.”

 “I live for it Drew.” Preston chuckled, waving.

 One final goodbye to two people I love very much. Will set out on the road, as we drove, something was going on in his dark brown eyes. He played the music loud, we sang, but he couldn't wear a true smile.

I looked at him, turning the music down. “Are you okay?”

 “That fucker better treat you like a fucking queen if I have to give up five days with you.” He muttered angrily.

 “Will..” I sighed.

 “I know, you care about him. But I don't want you getting hurt, you've been hurt so much.”

 “He won't hurt me.”

 “How do you know?”

 “Because he's not Nash, or George. I trust him Will.”

 He sighs, taking a deep breath. Keeping his hands on the wheel. He pulled into the air field, parking where instructed. The same place where he was when he picked us up. Jim was out front, the older man with graying hair, who clearly loves his job.

 “I'll take that, we got have her all in and the plane closed in a few minutes. We're running a bit off schedule, and there are storms over head in the east, we'll be trying to beat them.” Jim said, taking my bags taking them into the cabin of the plane.

 Will nodded, shaking Jim's hand. I saw the sorrow in his eyes, the pain, it was hovering his surface. He pulled me into a hug, his larger body engulfing me as it usually does. I'm going to miss my brother, a lot. “A few weeks, okay?” I said, murmuring.

Drew Grier: A Broken GirlWhere stories live. Discover now