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Niall didn't get nervous on red carpets anymore. In fact, he couldn't remember that last time he felt like this: heart beating out of his chest, face heating up as if a bright summer sun was shining directly on him, sweat dripping from his body like a faucet. But today, Niall was nervous. Niall was nervous for this red carpet, because on this red carpet, he was not Niall Horan. On today's red carpet, he would be playing the role of a different Niall Horan. A Niall Horan that had fallen hopelessly in love with an aspiring young actress.

He only hoped he could deliver an Oscar-worthy performance.

"Now remember guys, we want to feel the love, we want to see the love," Tammi, the Capitol agent who had been "assisting" Niall and Krystal in this whole PR stunt reminded them as they sit in the limo. It had barely been a week and Niall could hear Tammi's shrill voice scolding him in his sleep. There was a reason Niall was a musician and not an actor, but that didn't seem to matter anymore- because from tonight onward he would be both.

Krystal, on the otherhand, was taking the whole thing like a pro. When Niall felt the whole thing to be a bit ridiculous, Krystal took every "session" with Tammi as serious as if she were training for the Olympics. Niall had to give it to her, she was quite convincing. Capitol had hired the right girl for the gig after all.

Niall adjusted the collar of his tux and tried to mentally count his breathing. He looked to the girl across the bench seat from him. She did look quite stunning, the slim black dress she had on accentuating her curves in all the right places. Her blonde locks in cascading curls over one shoulder. He could see how maybe, just maybe, a guy like him might develop feelings for a girl like her. He kept thinking that maybe if he gave it enough time, the whole thing wouldn't have to be fake anymore. Maybe if he actually fell in love, like some arranged relationship, he wouldn't feel so much guilt. Then it wouldn't be a complete lie to his fans. Maybe he needed to give Krystal a chance, and maybe with time, things would be more natural, more real.

"Feel the love, see the love. Got it," Niall said curtly. "Can we get this over with then?" His eyes moved towards the door of the limo, the noises of the crowds already audible. 

Krystal nodded with agreement, or perhaps more excitement and Niall made his way towards the door of the limo. He looked back at the girl who would now be the center of his universe for the next few months in the eyes of the most of the world. Was this really worth everything that he was going to have to endure?

Of course it was. This was his music on the line. 

As soon as he pulled himself out of the limo, he saw the familiar flash of the paparazzi cameras, blinding him as if he'd just stared directly into the sun. He definitely hasn't missed during his break. "Niall, over here!"

"Niall who are you wearing tonight?"

"Niall this way!"

Niall offered a polite smile to the cameras and then watched as they swiftly switched their attention to the girl coming out of the limo. For a few seconds, Niall wasn't the center of the spotlight.

Krystal smiled without hesitation, coming to stand next to him and linking her arm in his own, just as they had planned. And as planned, this sent the press into an absolute fit.

"Niall who do you have with you tonight?" A thin red-haired man in a black tuxedo asked, shoving a microphone towards Niall's face.

"This is my beautiful girlfriend Krystal," Niall said, feeling a vile taste rise in the back of his throat as the lie falls from his lips. He wasn't even sure that they would believe him-especially with as private as he had been with his previous relationships. What would have made him change his mind so quickly?

Niall's confession excited the press even more and as Krystal and Niall approached the red carpet the questions continue.

"Krystal where did you meet Niall?" She turned to him and gives a coy smile. Internally, Niall wishes he could roll his eyes, but instead, his teeth stay clenched together in a perky grin.

"Can we tell them?" she half giggled, gazing up at Niall like a giddy school girl. Niall nodded. "We actually met on set filming a music video. It was an instant connection really." she 

"So can we presume you played Niall's love interest then Krystal?" another reporter asked quickly.

"You'll just have to wait and see about that," Niall teased. Tammi, the assistant, gives a nod to him from the other side of the red carpet, letting him know he had successfully completed his first task of the evening. Niall placed his arm on the small of Krystal's back, his touch on the space where her black dress met her bare skin. He leads her off the red carpet and into the venue taking a small sigh of relief that at least part of the evening was over.

Niall felt a slight annoyance at the fact there was no mention of his music. No one asked when they would expect his new album. No one even asked if he had been working on it. The only thing they seemed to care about now was the girl in the picture. But he supposed this was how it would be from now on or at least for the duration of this publicity stunt. Capitol's plan had, unfortunately, started off without as much of a hitch- making the whole thing even harder for Niall to fight.

As they entered the building and step away from the press, Krystal spoke. "That was absolutely amazing and crazy. I never even knew where to look." Her brown eyes are filled with excitement. 

"You get the hang of it after a while," Niall shrugged.

"But that rush? I hope you never get over that. It's like the whole world is just watching you," Krystal continued. Niall now realizes that Krystal wasn't overwhelmed by the press at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite, she seemed to have enjoyed the torturous event.

"Good thing the whole world's gonna have its eyes on you for a while then," Niall responded with a hint of sarcasm.

Niall spotted Tammi booking it in their direction, her arms pumping at her sides as if she's engaged in some kind of speed-walking race.

"Wonderful job, both of you," she shrilled. "Krystal you were just a natural out there."

"Thank you," Krystal smiled, taking a hand and fluffing out her hair.

"Now, remember our goal for the rest of the night. I want dancing, I want introductions, I want to see the LOVE," Tammi accentuated the word love in a way that made Niall want to cringe. He didn't think he'd ever be able to think of the word in the same way after this stunt was over.

"Now get to work you two, the night is still young!" Tammi exclaimed, pushing Niall and Krystal in the direction of the theater.

Usually at this point of awards shows, Niall got excited to see old friends, watch live performances or even at the possibility of winning an award himself. But right now, all Niall could look forward to was the drink that would soon be in his hand.

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