Chapter 51: Sympathy

Start from the beginning

When she hesitated, he dropped his gaze. "Please?"

The girl drew in a breath, reluctantly drawing her wrist from behind her body and offering her wrist for him to see.

With gentle fingers, he took her wrist, examining it. It was red, swelling up from the amount she must have pulled on it during her troubled sleep. "Would you like some bandages? I know it helps to prevent cuts when you pull against it."

She gave him a small smile. "That would be great."

He walked over to the desk, pulling a drawer open. His eyes scanned over the contents of the desk before reaching in, taking hold of a familiar box and taking it out.

Placing it on the nightstand, he opened it, his fingers wrapping around a roll of wrap bandages.

Ace offered him her hand, allowing him to gently wrap her wrist with the bandages. "Thanks."

Evan nodded slightly, securing it. "I'll come back with your breakfast." He said, putting it back into the medical aid box and storing it back into the drawer.

She pursed her lips, frowning. She wasn't hungry.

The boy left the room, leaving the girl to stare at where she last saw him. Looking back down at her wrist that was now treated, she heaved a sigh.

When will I be free again?

She drew her legs toward her chest, wrapping her free arm tightly around herself. She placed her head on her knees, closing her eyes.

What went wrong? Why did this have to happen?

I miss the days we had fun together. The days where I felt safe and happy. The days where I could forget about my past.

She frowned, furrowing her brow. I made friends with all five of them so easily. A few days at most. Was I starved for friendship that much? I had Lyra.. And she was the only one that I ever had.

"Are you okay?"

Startled, the girl looked up, her eyes meeting blue eyes that lacked the cheerfulness that she had grown so use to. "Allian.."

The blonde took careful steps toward her, his hand placed on top of where his bruises were. Where Ryoma had kicked him.

She frowned. "Are you okay?"

Sitting beside her, he nodded slightly. "Yeah.." He looked at his hand. "I've gone through much worse."

A feeling of sympathy ran through her body, surprising her. She looked away. "That isn't okay."

The male shrugged. "It's alright. But how about you? Are you okay?" He repeated. "You look exhausted."

The girl opened her mouth, but no words left her lips. She felt nearly dead on the inside, but she'd lie without hesitation to avoid worrying people in general. I should be angry. Why am I not yelling at him..? Instead I feel so.. So tired..

"I'm fine." She gazed at her cuffed wrist, a dry laugh escaping her lips. "Would be much better if I wasn't cuffed."

Evan walked into the room, holding a platter of bread with jam spread on top, as well as a glass of orange juice in his other hand. He narrowed his eyes at the male as he placed down the plate and glass on the nightstand. "What were you saying to Ace?" His voice sounded semi-hostile.

Allian's posture seemed to slump as he looked away. He didn't answer.

Ace frowned, turning her gaze to the hooded boy. "He just asked me if I was okay. That's all."

"Ace.." Allian murmured. "Why did you run..?"

She shook her head leaning back against the headboard. "Nobody likes being a captive." She answered for the second time.

"You should eat, Ace." Evan said, taking the plate and holding it to her.

She stared at the plate, reluctantly taking it in her hands. "Okay." She muttered.

Evan glanced at the blonde. "We should talk to Raiden."

Allian turned his head to the boy. "Why?"

"We should allow Ace to get out of the house and walk around." He answered. "She hates being stuck inside."

The girl smiled gratefully at his words. "That would be great."

Allian glanced back at her for a few seconds before looking back at Evan. "Okay."

He slowly got up from his seat, making his way out of the room with a slight limp. Evan followed him, giving her a small smile before shutting the door behind him.


"You do realize that she tried escaping twice, right?" Ryoma questioned, sighing as he sat down on a couch.

"Of course." Evan replied, glancing down.

Allian and Kai who sat on the same couch exchanged glances, while Raiden rested his ankle on his knee.

"What makes you think she won't try running the second we step out the gate?" Ryoma scowled.

"She's sad!" Evan rose his voice, glaring at the male. "She's tired of being kept indoors! She's not a pet!"

Raiden smirked, amused by the boy's change in tone.

"We have to keep her in! It's the only way to keep her safe!" Ryoma argued back, clenching his fist.

"As much as I don't like the idea of Ace not in the house," Allian said quietly, "Evan's right."

"What the hell, Allian?" Ryoma exclaimed, his voice aggressive.

"A twenty-minute walk around town shouldn't be that bad." Kai said, glancing at Ryoma. "Some fresh air would be good for her."

As Ryoma glowered at him, Raiden smiled. "Relax, Ryoma. She's not going on this walk alone. She won't even attempt escaping with all five of us with her."

When Ryoma frowned, the onyx male continued. "I'm sure you've all noticed that her mood's deteriorated in the past two days. I'm sure she will be much happier and much more responsive to us after we allow her to get out of the house." He leaned back. "She might even decide to drop the idea of escaping, now that she knows she can't run away no matter how hard she tries. A breath of fresh air may reassure her that we're willing to let her out."

Kai shook his head slightly. "There's no way she'd drop the idea of escaping unless she completely breaks and accepts the fact that there's no escape for her."

The guys glanced at each other with uncertainty.

Raiden was the only one who smiled, but he didn't press on the topic. "We'll allow Ace to take a walk around town. Afterward, she may think that it isn't so bad being with us."

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