Chapter 19: Tutoring

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Dec 8, Saturday

Yawning, Ace glanced at the clock beside her bed.

8:47 am

She stretched her arms and sighed, wanting to stay in the comfort of her warm blanket. She grunted as she forced herself out of bed, pushing her bedroom door open and stumbling towards the restroom as she tried blinking the sleep out of her eyes.

The cold water that splashed onto her face made her feel more awake as she continued her daily routine.

Walking out of the restroom, she walked towards the kitchen where she saw her Aunt sitting on the couch, her eyes focused on an open book that rested in her hands.

"Morning, Aunty." The female greeted, making the older woman shift her attention to her.

"Good morning, Ace. You're up early today." She commented, glancing at the time.

"Yeah, I made plans with some friends." The girl informed, pouring her favorite cereal into a ceramic bowl.

"I see." Her aunt nodded her head, looking back down at her book. "Have fun. Be safe, alright? Send me a message when you've met with your friends."

"Will do." The girl smiled, pouring milk onto her cereal and proceeding to finish all the contents in the bowl. Washing the dishes, she walked back into her room and picked out her casual attire which consisted of average black pants and a hoodie over a t-shirt. Changing her clothes, she slid her watch onto her wrist, picked up her phone and noticed a new message being displayed across the screen.

Unknown Number: Good morning. Allian gave you the address, correct?

She concluded it must have been one of the boys that have messaged her.

Ace: Yes. Who is this?

Unknown Number: I apologize for not mentioning who this is. It's Raiden.

Unknown Number: Arrive at your leisure.

The girl added the number to her contacts.

She scrolled to Allian's messages and copied the address onto her phone's GPS, Looking at the location. It's a twenty-minute walk away from my house. She noted. A curious thought entered her mind. I wonder how long it'll take me if I were to jog there?

Shrugging, she decided to take her time and enjoy a carefree walk. Putting on her backpack and slipping her phone and keys into her pocket, she walked back into the living room and gave her aunt a hug.

"Bye, Aunty." She smiled. "I'll see you later."

The older woman returned her embrace, smiling in return. "Remember to send me a message when you meet with your friends. I'll pass it on to your father. Also, be careful."

The girl nodded. "Yeah, I'll remember. You don't have to worry about me."

Walking towards the door, she opened it and walked into the cool outdoors.

"Have fun! Don't come home too late." Her aunt called out after her, closing the door behind her after a moment. The older woman frowned at herself. That girl.. Made some friends really quickly. I hope she knows what's she's getting in to.

Ace took out her phone from her pocket and started the navigation, following its directions. She stuffed her hands inside her pocket, allowing the cool breeze to wash over her skin.


Her phone beeped, announcing that she had reached her destination. She took a look at her watch.

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