Chapter 9: A Cherished Friend

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As a sheet of paper was placed in front of the female, she glanced at it before sliding it over to Evan. He was sitting happily beside her.

He scanned over the contents, taking into mind what topics they had to cover in the presentation.

"Do you want to do the presentation on sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, or sea lilies?" Ace questioned, making the boy ponder on the options presented to him.

"Uh, I think sea cucumbers.. They're a strange species." Evan answered, looking at the girl for confirmation.

She nodded, smiling. "I'll go get the laptops." Standing up, she walked over to a cart containing all the laptops before picking two of them out and retreating back to her seat. She handed him a laptop in which he thanked her for.

They both turned on the laptops and begun their research on sea cucumbers, jotting down notes to keep in mind as they analyzed articles.

Ace noticed as the silent -but smiling- boy slid in one earbud, filling his left ear with music. "What kind of music do you listen to?" She curiously asked him.

Startled, the boy shyly looked up at the girl. "Ah, w-well, I don't listen to a specific genre. I just like listening to whatever music I like." Then he felt a small pulse of courage soar through his veins. "W-would you like to listen?" He asked, shakily offering her his unused earbud.

The girl smiled at his offer. "Sure. I left my own earbuds at home so why not?"

Ace reached towards his hand, her fingers brushing against his own briefly as she took the offered earbud out of his hand. Evan felt shivers slide down his spine from the contact she'd made with him, his face flushing a rosy red. Quickly hiding his face, he turned his attention back onto his laptop in hopes of deterring the girl's gaze on him.

She placed the earbud into its place, her eyes brightening after a few seconds of listening to the music playing into her ear. To the grey-eyed boy's surprise, she started humming along softly to the beat of the music.

"You know this song?" He wondered, bringing his eyes up to hers joyfully.

The girl flashed him a smile as she nodded her head. "Yeah, it's on my playlist." She redirected her eyes back onto her laptop, working on the presentation.

Evan felt happiness bubbling in his chest as he looked at his own laptop, continuing his research. I'm not alone after all..


As she researched her presentation topic, she felt her phone buzz. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her phone and unlocked it. To her delight, she saw a message left by her best friend.

Lyra: Hey! I'm sorry I couldn't text you yesterday, I was swamped with work. I've been meaning to ask, how's your new school?

Ace clicked on the message and began typing in her reply.

Ace: Not too bad. I met a few people so far.

Lyra: Oh, that's great! It's nice to know that you're settling in so quickly. It almost makes me sad  :(

Ace: Aww, Lyra, I miss you too. I feel so lonely without you here with me D:

Lyra: I feel the same q_q It's been so weird without you here. But, life calls, I guess?

"Who's that?"

Ace looked up, seeing that Evan had taken an interest in her texting. She smiled. "Oh, it's just my friend from my previous school."

He nodded. "Do you miss her?"

"Of course I do."

His grey eyes looked genuinely sympathetic. "I'm sure you'll get to see her again someday."

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