Chapter 2 - New World

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She smelled the fragrance when she woke up. Her eyes scanned the room she was in, her face was completely calm, her face showed a cold and ruthless voice, and you have now succeeded in another world, "Where am I? She is at somewhere Local questioning." You are in the world of magic. There are strict rules in the world. Women are not allowed to practice magic. Only men are true. There was a sneer on her ruthless face. What she can say is that she regenerated a female body, HA. She smiled cookedly.. All I need to do is become a man. She looks like him room. Fortunately, they are mirrors. Some men's clothes are in the closet. She smiles coldly. "This is very Convenient" She walked to the mirror and she was quite shocked when she saw the mirror. Is this person still a person? "The person she saw was even more than a gender. She could only be described as an angel. Her face was so beautiful. She found herself looking for nearly an hour.
Before she was shocked, the mirror could be put away. If her sister could be considered a quarreling beauty, she would talk like a face she saw in the mirror, she heard a cold and ruthless voice. I also said that this body is like the ancient god Zephora. He is said to be so beautiful, even if the sun can't be as bright as him, but because I have to physically make the body, can I use 10% of the beauty of 10%? Although she was shocked, her face was expressionless and indifferent. "I think this is only 10% of the eyes. It seems to make you want to know his actual appearance. Although her face is calm, she still raises her eyebrows. She quickly hurried to the closet, there was a beautiful man's clothes in the closet, because she just wanted something simple, she picked a black brocade robes with gold lining, and there was a jade belt inside. This should be good. A cold smile stuck on her. Once she took her clothes, the cold smile disappeared and her face became expressionless. She originally thought the body was female, but it seemed that she was wrong. ... her face is flat but not an invisible feeling, but even so. Her face is still cold. "I am a male" She is at least not worried,
As a woman's nuisance, becoming a man is better, so when she thinks her body is female, she was quite dissatisfied, the cold and ruthless voice said: "Because of some mistakes, your body did not take the correct shape, so You are now gender-free, you are neither a woman nor a man, but a different kind of human OH? Although she wants to know what type of miscalculation they are, she just puts her chosen clothes aside, and No longer questioning the cold and ruthless voice, now is not the time of the problem, but to prepare and see this new world called the magic world." She went to the mirror and found some cosmetics, she laughed at her past life. She is a master. This kind of face is very likely to cause a sensation. This is a feeling she doesn't want now. She needs to get stronger. She immediately sits down and starts to add a kind of cockroach on her face to make her look. More manly. Finally, when she finished, she looked in the mirror and looked at the last look. She couldn't help but feel a convulsion in her mouth. Although she had done everything she could see more clearly she was still very beautiful, she sighed and it would be It must be done now, once I become strong, I no longer need to hide my face, although she looks very beautiful now, but when she first saw her face, it was still less than her. In fact, her face can't be compared with her now.
Just as he was about to leave the room, she heard a cold voice saying that you must be vigilant. At present, your strength is not enough to resist the bandits. "When she heard the word, she had a frosty glare in her eyes. Then she opened the door. There is a street that looks like a street outside, and even more houses look like he is. She walked down the street and soon saw a market. There was a sneer on her face. "Hey, I want to know if I can find supplies here, and then the cold voice in my head tells her that she needs to collect supplies to improve her strength. These supplies are very rare people need to cultivate. Herbs. . In this world, magic is the main strength base, with different categories of power, magic novices, magic warriors, magicians. Magical immortal, magical incarnation. Like the demon, she is now just a magical newbie, but with the power she has given, she can suddenly increase her power quickly, her ultimate desire is the most powerful, and she looks down on everyone with hatred.
Become The strongest, can look down everyone with hatred, there is a cold glare in her eyes, making them look more charming, because when she approaches the market, she hears a lot of people screaming, whispering, but She did not notice that they continued to walk through each booth. Everyone she passed was immediately fascinated , and the men were in a daze. But when they saw the young Man watching them, they suddenly said it, their absolutely terrible eyes, like a demon who lacks emotions, they are very cold, causing everyone around them to have an uncontrollable tremor Impulse. Men are ashamed because they are in a daze for a young man, he is a man, but they can't help it, he is very beautiful, he is like an angel falling from the sky, because he is really a demon on everyone. The men were overwhelmed by their saliva. They looked around and saw that the young people had gone. For some reason, they were disappointed. The women were the too . "How can a man be so beautiful?"
He looks more beautiful than any woman. He is even more beautiful than the day cone spring flower. It is actually like comparing a weed to a flower," the men nodded and nodded. When I heard what the women said, the young people were so beautiful. They wanted to kidnap him and never let him be a beautiful collector. Because all men and women had their illusions, they suddenly felt great pressure. Bringing fear into their hearts, they are shaking in shock, a man with perfect flaws enters the market, his eyes are cold like ice, his face is not expression , He takes every step
With overwhelming power, his face seems to be a god, but at the same time he is like a dead, instead of letting anyone want to convey his beauty, they want to stay away from this ice-cold man. The man is also a Bohai man. Even the emperor shows respect. He is called to have an unpaired appearance, but his character is as cold as ice. Even the paradise maid Chunhua has not been able to lure this man like a devil. Suddenly I never thought about the young people who just passed here. The beauty of the young people is absolutely shocking. Even if Bohai is not as beautiful as him, their character is as cold as ice, just like no emotion. They don't exist, they just come from hell like demons, because they are in a daze, they suddenly hear a cold voice. The voice was deep and magnificent, and they desperately wanted to see the master of the voice, that is, his Bohai, his eyes swept over them, as if they were ants, he could smash in a second, "I told you to let me some Herbs, "he said in a chilling voice that citizens immediately began to hand over everything.
Citizens immediately began to hand over all the precious herbs. They didn't dare to offend him. When he collected the herbs, he took the cold, he left, the citizens wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and when Bo hei walked, he felt It was his cold eyes that reflected anger, because he turned quickly, in front of him was a young man no more than 15 years old, his eyes were cold, he wore a beautifully put on him Black robes, no feelings on his face, because he saw Bohai's angry gaze on the face of Bohai's face was completely shocked, when his eyes finally fell on the face of youth, his indifferent eyes shook slightly. The young man is so beautiful, he looks like an angel, but Bo Hei understands that he won't be fooled because the young man in front of him doesn't even have a reaction to let him notice him. . She stared at the cold and beautiful man in front of him. The heart was calm and her face had no expression. The reason for her coming was because the cold voice on his head said that they smelled the herbs, so she immediately went to see it.
But she didn't see a stall selling herbs, but saw an indifferent man, her eyes left the man's face, and then went to the bag in the man's hand, her instincts told her that there is a kind of herb in them. Herbal medicine, she is an untimely tone. Say "Give me herbs, I will make you alone", Le Mans face a sneer, as he said coldly, "If I say no?" When she shouted "patriotism!!", her face Expressionless. In a flash, a dark shadow appeared close to the beautiful youth, and soon became a man's shape. When the transformation was finally completed, Bohai saw him and accepted the shock. The man was dressed in black like an assassin, his face was very beautiful, his face showed a charming smile, but his eyes were a bitter cold, a halo of killing intentions and evil intentions surrounded him. What shocked Bo Hei was the man he saw him kneeling on the ground, but looked up at the beautiful young man, who said in a cold and ruthless voice "What do you need to master." Bohai's face is very cold, but inside he thinks this man seems to have more power than him. The young man showed a cold smile, Bo hei immediately froze, the young man's smile was so charming, he had been in a long time. When he finally got rid of it, he felt very ashamed. How could he fall for a young man, and a man would not be less. Biting your teeth, avoiding the temptation
of young people when they see a youthful smile, just like the whole world
"Al, I must be crazy." Hey, biting his lip, so hard blood began to flow, the smile of the young man disappeared, she said in a ruthless voice: "Remove the herbal pack from him...if He refused, he went to kill him. "The voice of young people is neither male nor female. It sounds beautiful, just like the sound of the wind blowing on a hot summer day, cold and fresh. Hag gritted his teeth, one day I will find you, I will avenge "He said in a cold voice, then he threw the herbal bag on the ground and ran like the wind, hahaha when she saw the man running away, She laughed madly, the pain and desperate voice was inside, she stopped laughing, and soon went to pick up the herbal bag she needed, then she slowly walked away "aigiuo let us go" a young man next to an order The amazing man nodded and replied "The Master" with a cold and ruthless voice, and then they set off. Of course, this was just the beginning of her adventure as the world's number one demon.

 Of course, this was just the beginning of her adventure as the world's number one demon

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The new body of the protagonist after the reincarnation - the main character is tall but thin, his face is refreshing and his face is beautiful

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The new body of the protagonist after the reincarnation -
the main character is tall but thin,
his face is refreshing and his face is beautiful.
He no longer wears bright red clothes, but now he likes black/dark clothing because he wears long black brocade robes lined with gold jade bands and bright red under garments. This is a good example of the bloody nature of the protagonist. Although he has a young, slightly immature face, it does not take his commanding presence.

Bo hai  follows the protagonist, as you can see the protagonist revealing a smile, the exact one leads to Bo hai  gaze

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Bo hai  follows the protagonist, as you can see the protagonist revealing a smile, the exact one leads to Bo hai  gaze. This will be his favorite joke. Because he usually still has no expression

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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傳說中的神翔神魔(Legend of Zhuang Xiang of Magic god)Where stories live. Discover now