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It was the afternoon and I was drinking a banana strawberry milkshake, waiting for Kyu to get out of Spencers.

She came out with two bags. The Fairy had a large smile on her face, sending chills in my spine.

Kyu: I'm all stacked up.

"With what?"

She open the bag, showing me what she brought. My jaw dropped at the sight of them.

"I regret asking. Let's go."

Kyu: Oh that's right. Check your Huniebee.

I check the device and saw a picture of Audrey and the Hair Dresser she was arguing with earlier.

Kyu: Everytime you meet a girl, whoever is near them, The Huniebee picks up their profile. Seeing she's working out her frustration, let's head to the gym.

"I just came from the park."

Kyu: Time to get physical.

I drove to the gym and made it inside. I notice that my clothes magically change once I enter the building.

"Does my outfit change everytime I enter a building?"

Kyu: Only when I'm here. I can change your fit when needed.

(Con't) Quick, do something. She's over there.

I went over to the dumbbells and use the 10 lbs weighs to lift. I saw The Hair Dresser finish with the treadmill.

Another woman wearing a school uniform was with her. She had a white button with a red plaid short skirt. Long blonde down to her waist put up in twin pigtails. Her smile with her cute blue eyes made me feel warm inside.

Hair Dresser: Yo! I didn't expect to see you here today Tiffany.

Tiffany: Yeah! My english lit class was cancelled, trying to make good use of the time.

Hair Dresser: Hey listen. Thanks soooo much for watching Philip the other day. I know it was last minute.

Tiffany: Nooo, don't even mention it. I love to hang out with Philly, he's my little buddy.

Aww, she must have a cute doggy. Maybe a cat. Ugh, I'm a allergic to cats. They're the dicks of pets anyway. Dogs are better.

Hair Dresser: Did he give you any trouble?

Tiffany: Nope! Like an angel.

Hair Dresser: An angel? Are you sure you were watching the right kid?

My eyes widen and my blood went cold like I was going through hypothermia.

I remember what Audrey said about her getting knocked up. She has a kid and she doesn't need a total nimrod to come in her life.

"[Whisper] Kyu, I'm not comfortable about this. Can we dip?"

Kyu: Uh, no.

Hair Dresser: I know I still owe you too, so don't worry. I should be getting my paycheck tomorrow.

Tiffany: Shhhhh! I won't hear of it. I was more than happy to help out.

Hair Dresser: Nonsense! I'm not taking no for an answer.

Tiffany: Too late! Have a good workout!

Hair Dresser: Hey! Get back here! This isn't over!

The Hair Dresser was struggling to get off the machine to chase Tiffany. But she was gone.

My head was thinking of ways to get out of here without Kyu knowing. Dealing with this "mission", it's something she don't need. Have someone to come into her and her son's life only for a one night stand and be gone. I'm not that kind of guy.

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