Chapter 47: Appetite

Start from the beginning

Glancing up at the clock, she frowned.

3:43 pm

Letting out a sigh, the images of seeing Allian getting beaten replayed in her mind. The sheer force that Ryoma could pack in a kick terrified her. The way Allian limped out of the room... She was surprised that he could even move after that.

She shuddered. How could someone like Ryoma lose his control?

She placed her fingers on her forehead, rubbing her temples.

Ryoma doesn't seem to be the type to easily engage in violence.

Wiping the sleep from her eyes, it felt as though a heavy weight had suddenly been put on her shoulders to bear. It was a crushing feeling.

From what it looks like.. I was the one who drove Ryoma to take such actions. ..Why? What do I mean to him..?

Glancing to the side, she barely realized that a meal had been put there. A promising plate of rice with beef on the side.

She shifted in her bed, lying down on her side. Surprisingly, she didn't feel any sort of hunger. Maybe I just lost my appetite after seeing Ryoma. But.. I haven't been willing to eat the moment I woke up in this place.

It didn't help that there wasn't anything to do to pass the time. All that she could afford to do was take a nap- but even that she was afraid to do. It would seem that whenever she slipped into the dream world, nightmares would come back to haunt her.

She brushed her fingers absentmindedly along the pillows, feeling the silk of the pillowcases beneath her fingertips.

When her fingers felt a small hard bump through one of the casings, she perked up, pulling the small pillow closer to her.

Could it be..?

A flare of hope pooled in her body as she dove her hand into the casing, her fingers coming in contact with a familiar piece of metal.

Pulling it out of the case, she grinned as her eyes fell open a single safety pin. She must have not taken everything out of the case yesterday. Surely, they would confiscate anything they thought would help her release herself from her shackles.

A soft knock on the door startled her. Shoving the pin back in, she put the pillow back down. "Come in." She said, leaning against the headboard.

The door opened, revealing a boy with a hoodie pulled over his head.

She said, tilting her head at him. "Hi, Evan."

He didn't reply as he walked over to her, his body posture seemed defeated. When he was standing beside her bed, he looked down, avoiding her eyes. "Ace.. are you still mad at me..?"

Frowning the girl shook her head slightly. Of course, I am. You kidnapped me.. And drove two needles in my neck. "No.." She said, feeling the need to not upset him. "..Are you okay, Evan?"

He perked up at her words, relief engulfing him. Before he knew what he was doing, he climbed onto the bed and brought her into a hug. "I'm so glad." He said, his voice wavering.

Surprised, the girl hesitantly brought her arms around him, returning his hug for a few seconds before letting go.

Evan reluctantly released her, a happy look on his face. Glancing to the side, he frowned when he saw the untouched food still sitting on the nightstand. He looked back at her quickly, a distraught expression on his face. "Ace, why haven't you eaten yet?"

She stole a glance at the food. "I'm not very hungry." She replied.

"Why?" He questioned, his voice sounding nearly demanding. "Have you lost your appetite? You need to eat."

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