Chapter 7

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'What kind of special abilities?'  Remus asked concerned.

'Ones that can change the wizarding world.'

The two looked at the Head with open mouths.

'Tell us more please Albus' Sirius pleaded.

'You just have to keep him concealed for a while, perhaps until he comes up to Hogwarts, from the wizarding world at least, Yes he can go out with some friends but ones that you trust completely with your lives, not that that matters after the Pettigrew situation.. But the ministry is likely to do whatever it takes to have  Harry in their care so they can test his so called abilities.'

'That will never happen Albus, we will guard him with our lives.'

'I know you will Mr Black, You too Mr Lupin, Have you decided what you are going to do with Harry during the full moon yet?'

'Not yet sir although we are thinking about it all the time as it looms closer.' Sirius answered with Mock confidence whilst Remus bows head clearly embarrassed.

'Okay well, let me know if i can be of any assistance.'

'Okay sir, will do'

Dumbledore casts another patronus and the House elf appears again with a Harry who is the happiest all three of the men in the room had ever seen him, apart from when he was a baby of course.

'Remus, Sirius!' Harry exclaimed and ran to the men, Hugging Remus' leg. He picked his Godson up and grinned back at him. God he looked so much like James when he did that.

'Hey Kiddo, where have you been today.' Sirius ruffled his hair which made it stick up just likes James' did.

'Madam Promfee took me to see Harid and I saw a real life Deer, Harid says it was a boy deer because he had...he had...'

'Antlers?' Remus assisted.

'Yea!' His face lit up. 'Anters'

Nobody could stop themselves from breaking out in huge smiles after that.

'Deers were your Daddy's favourite animals too Harry.' Sirius added, knowing it would make the boy smile more. Instead he knitted his eyebrows together in thought.

'Deers are my favourite aminal too.' He concluded.

'Come on Harry, let's get you home, Unless you want to go out into London for a little while?'

'Yea!' The boy shouted.

'Thank you Professor Dumbledore, we will be sure to take your advice.' Remus shook the professors hand and ushered his family into the fireplace.


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