Chapter 1

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Not doing any authors note chapters (she says)
All rights belong to J.k. rowling and i've seen stories like this before but this is my version so sorry if it's similar to yours if you've written one just lmk and i'll change it.

Peter Pettigrew is rightfully accused of deception and spying for Voldemort as well as murder although that was not clear at the time so baby Harry was taken to the Dursley's. Remus and Sirius struggled for years to get him back but when they do it's a whole other challenge.

Mr and Mrs Dursley were putting their son Dudley to bed after a day out at the theme park. Their 4-year old Nephew, Harry was lying downstairs in his cupboard talking to the spiders in the corner. He was imagining a world where he was Dudley, and was upstairs being tucked in and read a story by Aunt Petunia. He smiled at the thought and carried on having a conversation with the spiders.


Meanwhile, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black were finalising the agreement with Professor McGonagal and Dumbledore regarding the Guardianship of their late best friends child. The subject was touchy after Sirius had been falsely accused to have murdered the child's parents but found innocent after the Ministry checked his wand which was the only evidence that he didn't do it. They were watching a live video of the child and were disgusted by the conditions he was placed in and were furious that the adoption agreement had taken 3 years (The muggle adoption company thought that having the child live with two fathers would be harmful) and were eager to hurry the process up as soon as possible. Fortunately for them, they have been told that as long as they can maintain a certain income for 6 months- which they had done- then the adoption can go ahead. Tomorrow was the day that they went to collect or rescue, Their new child.


Harry was woken up early by his Uncle and told to start breakfast for them all. He had a strange sense about today and felt something would be different. He was putting toast into the toaster when the doorbell rang.
'Who on earth calls this early on a sunday?!' Uncle Vernon said as he waddled towards the door.

'Hello Mr Dursley, My name is Julia Smith and I am here to collect your nephew'

'Collect my- FOR WHAT'

'To be taken to his adoptive parents who were under the impression you didn't particular want him to permanently stay with you'

'Take him- HARRY- Take him away- POTTER'

'Does he not need time to pack? Say goodbye?'

'I doubt this will be goodbye- he'll be put back on our doorstep by the time the week is out'
Mr Dursley pushed Harry out the door and slammed it.

'Well young man' Julia smiled, 'Ready to start your new life'
The 4-Year-old burst into tears and hugged the woman that he had never seen before.

'What's wrong chicken, we're taking you to two lovely gentlemen who are going to be your new Dads' She said as she lifted him into the car and fastened his seatbelt.

'Dads?' Harry looked up, 'My Mum and Dad died when I was little'

'Aww I know sweetie but your life is going to be so much better now' The woman assured him and pulled out of 4 Privet Drive.

The rest of the Journey was a silent one until they parked outside the Lupin-Black House.

'It's big' Harry said.
Julia didn't say anything and just smiled and offered the boy her hand, he hesitantly took it as he had seen Dudley do and walked along with the woman as she walked up the pathway.


The residents of the house were expressing their excitement in different ways. One of the two men was sitting down by the front window tapping his quill on the windowsill and every so often, rushing over to catch a vase.Where as the other was bounding around the room squealing every so often and knocking off vases as he went.
Sirius screamed, 'THEY'RE HERE MOONY'

'Calm down padfoot, do you want the social worker to think we're crazed lunatics'

The animagus looked him straight in the eye-
'But we are crazed lunatics'
The doorbell rang. The two looked at each other and edged towards the door not wanting to look desperate. They both held back tears once they saw what was outside.

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