Chapter 22 - The Continuation of the Date

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After spending a couple of hours at the ice-rank, the duo decided to sit aside and watch other people do the skating.

"Oh... Watching them is so relaxing." Tzuyu commented.

"Yeah... Especially those people who know what they're doing." Dahyun chuckled.

"Well, also, sometimes it's relaxing watching people who don't know what they're doing."

"Trust me, Tzuyu, everyone here except us know what they're doing." they both chuckled.

"Well, how about those two?" Tzuyu pointed at two people who were skating on their left.

"Well, the person on the left seems like he or she knows what he or she is doing." Dahyun couldn't make out who the people were because they were wearing a lot of layers and scarfs over their faces.

"Mhm." Tzuyu agreed.

"But the person on the right... Hey, does the person on the right remind you of someone?"

"Hm... No, not in particular. Do you have someone in mind?"

"Hmmm... No, no one in particular, but I had a feeling... nah... I don't know. But what I did want to say is that the person on the right is messing it up big time. The person on the left is the only reason why they're standing right now."

"Agreed." They sat there in silence for a couple of seconds before Tzuyu asked:

"So who do you think would be the worst at ice-skating?"

"Chaeyoung." Dahyun deadpanned.

"Hahaha, well that was sudden, how do you know?"

"I don't... I just have this feeling. How about you?"

"I would've said Momo, but since you've mentioned that she taught you... I don't know... Nayeon or Chaeyoung... Or me." They both chuckled when Tzuyu said "or me".

"Oh no, I think you were great today... I mean, it took us some time, but... You missed hitting that guy when you were skating!"

"And I hit the fence again."

"Okay fine, you do kinda suck..." they both laughed, and then Dahyun added: "But you suck less now." There was a quick pause which was then followed by Tzuyu's question:

"So... where are you taking me now?" Tzuyu asked and Dahyun paused at the question.

"Hm." She didn't want to do the exact same copy of what Momo did yesterday, but she also didn't have an idea where to go next. So she compromised. Like I said, you take the person to the fancy restaurant at night. But the performance festival at the park... Now that could be a blast during the daytime as well.

"I know just the place!"

"Then let's go!" Tzuyu replied excitedly as they went out the rink.

I wonder why I thought of Chaeyoung when she asked me about bad ice-skaters... Huh... Probably not important.

"So... We're going to this park..."


"And there's everything there - from street performers, magicians, carnival rides, even like small stages where some acts perform."

"Oooh! Are there like carnival games? Like, can I win a stuffed animal or something?" Tzuyu was excited.

"Yes, I think I've seen a couple of those." Dahyun chuckled.

"Oh I can't wait. How did you find out about this place?"

"Oh... Momo showed it to me."

Did Momo do the whole tour with her? Was it a date? Is she pulling my leg? Why am I even concerned about all of this? Tzuyu pondered. She then asked:

"Did... Did you and Momo... I mean... Are you going to take me to places you and Momo went?"

"Uhm... It's just that... These are really cool places. And don't get me wrong, but yesterday, when we were doing them..., IthoughtofyouandIwantedtotakeyouheresorry." Dahyun practically spit fired that last part and Tzuyu didn't understand a thing. Dahyun felt shy again.

"Yeah, run that by me again." Tzuyu laughed.

"Look, yesterday, her and I had fun. And today I thought, well, if I'm taking you out somewhere, I want us to have fun too. And since we as a group don't go out that much often, my knowledge about fun places was quite limited so I-"

"Dahyunie baby, it's alright." Tzuyu calmed her down by stopping them and holding her hands. "It's okay. I know you want us to have some fun. And the ice-rink was great. And this place you're taking me now sounds great! I love it! And since you told me you haven't cheated on me" She paused there for comedic effect and they both giggled, "Well, I can definitely enjoy all these places. And I am." This came out super-mushy. But I mean it. As long as we're having fun, I don't care who went before.

She called me "Dahyunie baby", I'm melting!! Dahyun was blushing.

"So, I really appreciate this. Actually, when you think about it, Momo was your tour guide. She showed you what was cool, and now you can use your knowledge so that we too can have even more fun." Dahyun smiled at that last sentence and they both continued to walk through the park, enjoying all the performances that they saw.

Tzuyu wanted to win a stuffed animal but wasn't very successful at it. When Dahyun tried, it was even a bigger failure. After a couple of tries, they walked away to another event, Dahyun commenting:

"I will get you that bear!"

"It's okay Dahyun... I know you will." Tzuyu smiled and side-hugged Dahyun as they continued walking. They talked more about music in general, the books they were reading, the events that were happening in the world and any other interesting idea that came to mind. They also liked to comment their members every now and then:

"So... Who do you think would hit that target and win the bear first?" Tzuyu asked.

"Well, I think it would be you. I mean, you are pretty precise usually, maybe it's just a bad day?" Dahyun sincerely answered.

"Aw... Thank you. I think I'll nail it next time. And yeah, I think I would be the first in the group to pull it off."

"What a humble brag." Dahyun joked and they went laughing along.

Soon came nighttime and Tzuyu asked:

"Well, Kim Dahyun, we have eaten a couple of things at this festival today, but not too much. I would like to have a proper meal, any ideas?"

"Oh.... Oh yeah!" A grin appeared on Dahyun's face.

"You and Momo really covered everything yesterday when it came to having a full day, didn't you?"

"Yeah. But we went to the ice rink first, then this restaurant I will be taking you now and then the festival. I prefer the way we did things today."

"I do to. You end the day with a restaurant. Or at least you put it somewhere near the end of the day."


"Okay, take me there then." Tzuyu said cheerfully as she was holding Dahyun under her arm and leaning her head to rest it on top of Dahyun's head.

Oh wow, she liked it so far. I hope she likes the place I take her to now. Dahyun mused.

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