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Nasir Ty'Quan Thompson

I pulled my pants up and put the rest of my clothes back on. "Where you going?" Joseline asked putting her clothes back on to. "Out, I'll call you when I get home." I kissed her and dipped out. I gotta pick up my lil brother from detention and keep him for the weekend. Maybe talk some sense in him.

"Nigga what's up with you bruh? Why you fucking up so much?" I asked King, "Man cause them teachers keep trying me mannn." He said stuffing his things in his bookbag. As we were walking to the car I saw Karrington but she was getting on the bus, "aye come on."

I got inside my car and followed the bus all around town until she got off. She lived on the outskirts of the city in a apartment. I parked my car and watched her as her mom opened the door letting her in. "Come on King." I pulled King along with me as I went to knock on the door. "Coming."

She opened it and her mouth formed a perfect O.

Karrington Diamond Stone

"What are you doing here? Did you really fucking follow me home?? Are you that damn delusional your following me now??" Im angry as hell. I thought I had left him for good when I left but his ass still is creeping on me.

"Karri, look chill-" I cut him off, "It's Karrington now get your ass off my front door and go back to being a fucking thug! As long as you fuck with Rose I want nothing to do with you or her! If you follow me again I will have you arrested! Now leave!!" I yelled and he closed his mouth and left. I closed and locked the door going back to finish dinner for me and my mom.

"Karri that wasn't your dad was it?" My ma asked, "No mama, just a creep from that party. He won't be coming back.....ever." I set the table for two and we ate.

"Look, you know you and Rose are gonna have to make up sooner rather than later. Y'all are about to be juniors and I want to two to stick together. Your gonna need each other."

"She needs to apologize. I have always been right behind her. I was there when nobody was and yet she treats me like crap because she wants to be grown and I wanna be 16! She was wrong and I don't give a damn what anyone says or thinks I'm not making up with her until she writes her wrongs with me."

"Watch your mouth and as y'all mother I decide when y'all need to put your pride up ya asses. You might as well get ready because the first weekend of summer she's coming back. I don't care how you feel about it I'm not leaving her in the streets."

"I never said leave her." I got up and went inside the room I shared with my sister. I'm not ready for hell to break loose because that girl is a loose cannon ready to explode.

Nasir Ty'Quan Thompson

I just stared into space as I drove home. Why is she so angry with me? Is this shit all really because I fuck with Rose or is she just not being honest with herself about her feelings. I don't even know.. "Ty! Who is that?" King said pointing to Joseline who was standing outside my building. "Jose.. what are you doing here?"

"Let me in. Nasir your not gonna lock me out anymore I wanna know who else lives in that apartment, now." She said through her thick accent. "Joseline, go home. I'll come over after I get King settled." I waited for her to leave but she crossed her arms and titled her head waiting for me to let her in the building. "Joseline. I can't let you in. This is my family I'm not there yet you gotta wait mama." I reached out to touch her but she snatched away.

"Fuck you Nasir. It's over.. it's soooo over!" She got inside her car and drove off. "Come on lil bro. Who knows what the crazy bitch might do the longer we stand out here."

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