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"Yes Lia, no that sounds very interesting...." Harry mumbled eyes almost rolling into the back of his head.

The girl, a fertile, fluttered her eyelashes. Harry had to wonder why she was even flirting, probably for a one night stand. Nobody tried for anything long-term anymore, they all knew they had a mate out there somewhere... so any flirting was generally just in hopes of a one off.

"Do you like my hair Harry? I dyed it more blonde than the last time you saw i-"

Before the girl could finish her sentence a crowd was forming around ten meters away, loud hollers coming from the circle.


"Wooooork it!"

Harry turned to face the voices, a frown making his way onto his face as he began to walk towards the ruckus. He blocked out the whiny noises of Lia's high-pitched voice calling for him.

Pushing his way through the crowd what he saw made his eyes widen in pure shock. There Louis was, dancing, his pants pulled off and laying on the floor - left only in a pair of pure white cotton panties with small lace trimming on the edges.

"Yesss Lou!" Harry turned to the familiar voice, to see Niall cheering him on - the CEO began to storm towards Niall. However his eyes never once left Louis.

Harry watched as Louis downed another shot before he began shaking his ass - up and down for everyone to see... his twerking wasn't very good, but god was his ass amazing.

Harry's jaw clenched as he noticed the wondering eyes of every Dom in the building.

"Mr Horan... I hope you are not endorsing Mr Tomlinson's behaviour."

Niall's eyes widened in shock, turning to face Harry... he quickly put his drink down before shaking his head from right to left.

"Go, ask the DJ to turn the music onto something soft. I am going to take Louis to our hotel - he is clearly drunk. Remember Niall, you're job tonight is to make connection. Not to have fun. Am I clear?"

The blonde haired fertile bit his lip nodding before racing off to do as Harry said.

The vampire was seeing red! Turning towards Louis he began the short walk over to him. Not a second later the music cut...

"Watttt... no no that song was goooooddddd." Louis whined standing up from his crouched position, no longer twerking.

The crowd began to disappear as they noticed Harry step towards the boy.

Everybody knew not to mess with THE Harry Styles.

"Louis... God." Harry mumbled as he walked up to the boy, removing his blazer and wrapping it around the boy's waist to preserve his modesty.

"Mrrrr Harry...." Louis mumbled, staring up at the vampire.

They were chest to chest. Without any warning Louis was tripping over his own stationary feet (somehow) and falling straight into Harry's chest.

The vampire caught him effortlessly, Louis' head tucked right under his nipples.

"You're so wasted. God, we're leaving."

"Leaving? Arn't you meant to leave with that... thing... Lia."

Harry locked eyes with Louis for a second, and even through the boy's hazy and out of it eyes he could recognise jealousy.

"We're leaving."


It didn't take long to make it back to the Bentley they arrived in, Harry letting Louis sit in the passenger seat as he took the front seat.

He didn't have time to find their driver, choosing to drive himself.

Soon that were both inside, just sitting in the revving car.

"God cub..." Harry mutters, before saying even quieter, "If you were mine.... I'd be spanking you right now."

Louis' head falls back against the head-rest. Harry is more than certain he is too drunk to have even heard him.

"I hate you."

Harry perks up... "what?"

Louis looks over at the man tears in his eyes as his lip pokes out, all pouty, "I hate hate hate that you don't want me... and never will and that you want that Lia girl. I just want you to love me!" And suddenly a tear is falling down his cheek and Harry almost dies.

The vampire isn't use to emotion, vampires don't cry... this is his first time seeing something so, someone so... vulnerable. It almost makes him feel, guilty.

He runs his hand along Louis' still exposed soft skin.

He runs his hand along Louis' still exposed soft skin

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"I do love you Lou.... so so much. Lia isn't anything, just a lie. The only mate of mine is you... You're my mate."

Louis blinks at Harry, before drifting off into a drunken slumber with a smile on his face.


Harry would be lying if he said he didn't want Louis to remember his confession.

He wants Louis to remember, he wants to finally hold him.

But of course, the first thing the small boy says is, "ughhh... I can't remember anything. What happened last night?"

Harry wishes he had the heart to tell him.



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