Chapter 1

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"Hey bakubro!" Shitty hair beams his horrible smile and wraps his arm around my shoulders and begins blabbering. "Get off me shitty hair." Of course he ignores me and continued talking. "Oh hey. Wanna eat together?" He asks me out of the blue. "No" I reply. I notice pink fuck approach us and shoot her a look as to say 'fuck off' before dumbhair notices she's there. "Come on. Please." He whines in my fucking ear." "Fine I'll eat with you but only if you get off me." "Yay!" He grins once again. As he releases me from his grip a feel a tingle on my wrist then my hand forms a small explosion. That was weird. "You okay?" Dumb hair asks. "I'm great!" I basically shout at him causing him to activate his quirk for a second. "Alright?" He says making it sound almost as if a question. We continue to walk to a table with our food.
"Kiri! Bakubro!" Pikachu shouts as he runs towards us then flops his tray of food onto the table beside kirishima. "Fuck off." I say flipping him off. "Hey bro, chill out. Your extremely angry today. You sure your okay?" Dumb hair asks again and softly smiles. Once again my hands let out small explosions. What the fuck? Eyes from all over the room dart to me. Even I was in shock ,I mean, I wasn't mad or anything so why was my quick activated. "You okay?" Red asks again now looking concerned. "Excuse me for a second." I say a bit to softly as I stood and made an exit out cafeteria. The halls were basically empty aside from a few extras chatting as I walked down them to the guys bathroom looking down at the floor. "Hey Kacchan!" Fuck, I don't want to deal with him right now. "Piss off Deku." Is all I can mutter as well as flipping my middle finger at him off without even bothering to look at his stupid face. "Are you okay Kacchan?" His dumb ass asks. "I said piss off." I repeat almost sounding more sad and confused then mad "Come on Izuku, let's go." I hear icy-hots annoying voice say before deku replies to him with an 'okay'. Shortly after I find myself outside the bathroom. I breath in before I shout "Out!" While kicking open the bathroom door. The few extras begin to scaredly run out leaving me with the bathroom to myself. "Okay," I breathe in while focusing on my reflection in the dirty mirror. "What the actual fuck is going on." I ask myself while looking down at my palms which are still exploding with red and oranges ever so slightly. As the explosions start to fade away my eyes drift down towards something else. My wrist. I notice something different. The small outline of the heart on it is now coloured with a vibrant shade of red.

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now