Chapter one

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"Okay, Flash, Spidey take the left, Hulk... Your with me. Remember, orders are to get back Joseph Valencia alive.... The mission states that he is currently working on something that has the potential to end the world" I say as everyone just turns to me in shock with their eyebrows raised

"ohh really? Is that all? So this shouldn't take long then?" Lee replies with a sarcastic voice.

"Ahhh, so we need Joey V to re-create what he's working on here under the agencies supervision because it could also be used to save millions of lives right?" Sam says with a smile on his face.

"Exactly..." I say, dragging out the word.

"So if we fail, it's not like we practically signed over the world to this V then, is it?" Mat says as he bobs his head up and down slightly.

"What are you talking about?! IF we fail?! Of corse we won't fail! We NEVER fail! that is why WE... Are the A-team! The....anti-failing team!" I say as a smile creeps onto my mouth.

"I like the anti-failing part" Mat say's whilst trying to hold back laughter just like everyone else.

"Okay... It's time" I say as I look at my watch.

Everyone nods their heads in agreement and we split up into two teams.

Taking out the first wave of security is always the easiest. It's practically just a warm up for the main session.

As we reach the main lab in the centre of the building the lights flicker ever so slightly.

" this is the part of the horror movie where the girl runs upstairs to get away from the killer and inevitably dies..." I say looking at my team with a smile on my face as Sam works on hacking the door.

They all smile back and Sam says "Don't worry Hawk... I'll protect you" winking at me just as the door opens.

I nod at him with a smile on my face as if to say 'good work'.

Once inside the lab, the lights start to flicker more violently. I signal to Sam and Lee to go and we start covertly taking out most of the security in the room.

One of the great things about using arrows is that they are silent, you can't hear them coming...

"It's ready!" A voice booms throughout the room as Joseph Valencia steps up onto a round platform looking at a big, muscly man standing near a control panel.

"Time travel! The future...or the past... I have it all!" He continues.

I nod my head to my team, signalling us to go.

"No! I've worked too hard for this!!" Joseph says as we start taking down his defences.

Frantically looking at his right hand man, the big muscly man is about to press a button but Mat stops him with a right hook.

I clear myself a path to the platform Joseph is standing on.

"You have the right to remain silent...and please do because I don't want to hear you yapping on later about how we ruined your 'master plan' and blah blah blah" I say as I look him right in the eye.

"HAWK!" Mat yells as he is fighting off a swarm of soldiers attempting to bring him down and giving muscles a chance to get back to the control panel.

I charge at Joseph knocking him off the platform and onto the cold hard floor, turning around with just enough time to put an arrow through the muscly mans head. But I'm too late...his hand was above the button and the next thing I know, I'm surrounded by white hoops and a strange noise. My body feels I'm floating or moving. I look down at my feet in confusion and when I look up I am not in the same room. I am blinded by the sudden contrast of a dark laboratory to bare white walls.

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