Baba nodded, "all right I will make those calls now." Then he turned to leave. (daddy)

After he closed the door Mitya asked me, "what do you mean by being marked?"

"Have you ever noticed that all of our people, except for the children, that have never been turned. Have a scar across one of their wrists, palms or in the bend of their elbow?"

"No, I have never noticed that. Why do they have that?"

"As you already know, when I restore someone they cannot ever be re-turned. But what you don't know is that they can also resist compulsion from everyone but me."

He looked at a loss for words.

"How is that possible Roza?"

"The stake that I used to stake Ivan with, and others just like it with my teams all over the world. Are charmed with not only normal moroi elemental magic, but also spirit magic, as well as my blood and magic. Which is why I am the only one that has the ability to compel any of them. As I have said before, every single one of my teams the world over have a spirit user on them and those spirit users all use those special stakes to restore people to their real true selves. The people who have never been turned, that I mark with these stakes, can also never be turned and only I can compel them as well. I have been meaning to talk to you about this and to ask you if you wanted me to mark you as well. But every time that I would think about it we would be in the midst of some type of catastrophe or problem of some kind. So I just haven't gotten around to it until now."

"So even the people that your other teams have restored can't be compelled or re-turned?"

"Da." I saw him smile and his eyes twinkle when I said yes to him in Russian. (yes)

"And those that have never been strigoi, that wear this mark, can never be turned to begin with?"

"Da." Again he smiled. (yes)

"Then yes, I would like it very much if you would mark me."

He gave me a sinfully sexy smile. "I love the idea of wearing your mark on my body actually. Is there any way that you can put my mark in a special place? Somewhere that you haven't marked anyone else."

"Like where?"

He took my hand in his kissed not only the back of it but also my palm and each of my fingers before laying it over his heart.

"Right here, right where you belong lyubov moya , in my heart." (my love)

I smiled because he was such a romantic sometimes, even without trying to be.

I whispered my answer in a husky love filled voice. "Yes, I can. And if that is what you want then that is what you will have. If you would like I can even heal the scar from where Lissa restored you."

"I would like that very much, because the only mark that I want on my heart is yours. I wish that I didn't have to have any marks on my body except for ones that you put there."

"Aww you are so sweet, romantic and good to me mladenets. Too much so actually." (babe)

"No Roza, there is no way that I could ever be too romantic, sweet or good to you. You deserve the very best that this world has to offer and I know that I am not it, but I will always do my very best to be as close to it as possible."

"You are the best and most wonderful man that I could have ever dreamed up." I ran the backs of my fingers from his temple to his chin then cupped his cheek in my hand.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are a figment of my imagination. The ideal perfect man that I have dreamed up. That I am in some kind of coma from the car accident and you are all in my head."

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