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Noe and Stefanie stood in her room, as a silence filled the air.
"I need to tell you something" Noe put his head down.
"What is it?"
"I...uh.... I got in love" he put his head down tears threatening to spill.
"What? That- That's great!" She pulled her lips into a fake smile, using everything in her not to cry.
"Dani?" Stefanie asked her older brother.
"Can i talk to you?"
"Sure?" They stood and walked away from there group of friends and into the patio.
"What's up?"
"I need to tell you something... about Noe."
"What is it?"
"Well he's a great guy I love him I truly do, and uh..."
"I kinda really like him?" She said as more of a question than an answer.
"What!! That's amazing!" He gushed.
"But what?!"
"He's leaving."
(A/N weren't expecting that eh?)
"What? When? Explain!"
"Well... a few months ago he told me he was on some type of wait list for this college in Europe, it's his dream college," her voice broke. "he told me this morning that he's got in and he's leaving in a month" she softly cried.
"Oh Stefanie..." he pulled her into his chest.
"I loved him Dani. He's the only guy that has made me feel that way since Jack" she said softly.
Noe had his head resting on the glass door for the patio so he was able to listen to what she was saying, it broke his heart to hear her vent to her older brother.
"I don't want him to go dani. I want him here with me"
Noe rose to his feet and opened the door trying his best to keep her sad face between the three.
"Babygirl..." he walked out,closing the door. The group of friends inside grew confused.
"I got it Daniel." Noe took the girl into his arms,realized she had a tear rolling down her cheek.
"I'll be inside." Daniel nodded.
"Don't cry."
"I can't help it, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you" she shut her eyes tightly. "I love you Noe, I don't want to let you go." She cried, her bright green eyes shined like emeralds. The wind pushed the curtains open for a second, exposing a crying girl crying in the boys arms.
"Hey look at me..." he used his finger to guide her eyes to meet his.
"I'm scared baby" she said as a single tear ran down her cheek.
"Don't be, we will be okay. I promise you that whatever happens you are and will always be the love of my life."
"I love you" She looked into his eyes.
"I love you" He smiled softly.
"Don't smile" she frowned.
"Because it's gonna be harder to let go"
"It's gonna be the hardest thing to let go of you."
He dropped his hand from her chin and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his waist. His chin rested on top of her head, a single tear fell from his eyes. He was trying to be strong for her, he squeezed his eyes shit and let out a breath.
"It's okay to cry" she said tightening her grip around his waist. "It's not easy." As she said that more tears followed the first.
"I'm sorry" they said in unison. They pulled apart- she wiped her tears with her hand looked up to him. She wiped his tears with the pads of her thumbs.
"Don't cry" She mimicked. He smiled at her positivity.
"I love you so much" he smiled and felt a wave of confidence hit him, he began to lean in as she saw this she did the same. She stopped once she felt his breath on her lips, she  closed her eyes once he had closed the gap in between there lips.
There body's became weak, the butterflies in there stomachs went crazy. Their kiss was a soft peck, but once they pulled apart they melted into each others lips once again- this time there passion took over, their lips moved in sync. They pulled apart and smiled.
"You don't know how bad I've wanted that" Stefanie gushed.
"Definitely not as bad as me." Noe mimicked her actions.
"I..." she trailed off.
"I wish I had you for more than a month, I wish-"
"Don't. Just take in what we have now, that pain will come later- enjoy what we have now."
She nodded.
"Noe Grant Alvarez I truly love you."
"Stefanie Laura Rodriguez i truly love you."
She smiled once more, and placed a kiss on his lips.
"Let's go back in" he took her hand in his.
"Hey you guys okay?" Sydnie asked as they walked in.
"Never been better" Stefanie smiled widely.
"What have you done" Sydnie asked Noe while laughing.
"What do you mean?"
"I haven't seen her this happy since they Damian bought her Shawn Mendes tickets."
"Ask her" Noe laughed.
"Well ya know things just happen ya know it's like-" her rambling was cut off by Noe.
"We are just teenagers being teenagers." Noe shrugged.
"Hey Im an adult thank you very much" Stefanie smacked his arm.
"Sure" Noe shrugged.
"OH MY GOD DID YOU G-" Daniel started happily.
"NO" Noe and Stefanie said in unison.
"Woah chill" he laughed and winked at them.
"Wait what? Are you sure you're okay Stef? We saw you crying." Ava asked worried about her.
"Well... Im okay for now."
"What do you mean" Zach poked in. Noe feeling Stefanie panic grabbed her hand and began talking.
"Um she's okay, I promise. We're just... going through stuff" he cleared his throat.
"Oh I see"
"Did you hurt her?" Corbyn asked protectively.
"What? No I would never."
"Y'all nosy" Stefanie laughed. "We're okay. I'm okay. It's just... he's leaving and I'm just too attached." Stefanie smiled.
"Well let's watch a movie" Daniel smiled. Noe, Daniel, and Stefanie sat in the floor while the others sat on the couch. Stefanie sat in between them both and noe wrapped his arm around her waist.
"So...?" Daniel whispered.
"Hm?" She hummed.
"What happened."
"We uh... kissed?"
"Daniel!" Stefanie yelled.
"What?!" Zach asked scared.
"Bought him ice cream." Stefanie finished.
"Ate his watermelon"
"Shut it Daniel." Stefanie wrapped her arms around Noes waist, while he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"We should do that more often"
"What?" She asked looking up to him. He looked around and saw everyone's eyes fixed on the movie.
"This..." he placed a soft quiet peck on her lips and smiled.
Although Noe thought everyone was looking at the move, one set of eyes where fixed on them. Jack. He saw them kiss, he saw her face reden, he saw how they looked at one and other. He saw Noe treat the love of his life in a way that he couldn't. He nearly laughed at his own stupidity. How could he loose her so easily?
He truly did not deserve he kind,forgiving,beautiful soul. He didn't deserve her-but he needed her to keep him sane.
What am I gonna do?

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