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A huge Time skip, because your author is lazy!
Within the time that you haven't read Stefanie had fallen into a deep depression, leading to her anxiety. She hasn't used social media since the last time she was last with the boys. The boys don't know about her depresión or anxiety- except for Daniel. Her life with Noe continue,They are still nothing But friends. Jack is yet to find out about her accident. Now that she is better she decided to surprise the boys in California.

July 1st 2018.

Stefanie's POV The boys are home and they taking a break from the Invitation Tour! Since they and their families will be in California I decided to go surprise them. Kristin helped me set this up, so right now I am in an Uber on my by way to the boys' apartment building- where they are staying. They where doing some type of cook out on the roof of the apartment building, so I decided to surprise them there.

Soon enough the Uber came to a stop. After checking with the people in the front desk, I went to the restroom and changed into a white tank top with high waisted cut off shorts, I threw on a long blue flannel and topped it off my white black and white converse . I left my hair as it was, a long pony tail with a few hairs that where left out to frame my face. I slipped out of the bathroom and made my way to the roof. I reached a door with the words "Out door dinning area" and I prepared my self. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I heard a bunch of voices and laughter, because of how loud they where they didn't hear me come in. I looked up and saw a huge table full of food. Daniel was the first to notice me. He looked up and gasped. "No way" he yelled making everyone stop and look at him. He jumped out of his chair nearly falling out and ran toward me, one he reached me I jumped in his arms wrapping my arms around his waist. He tightly wrapped both of his arms around my shoulders.
"I missed you so much." I said into his chest .
"I missed you too. I love you" he smiled into my shoulder.
"I love you too" we pulled apart only for me to be attacked by Zach. He tightly hugged me, wrapping his hands around my waist.
"I can't believe you're here!"
"Awwe thanks" i smiled.
Next was Sydnie, Isla, Ava, Reese, Ryan, Kirstin,etc. I hugged everyone- except one girl who I didn't know. The only one that was missing was Jack.
"Where is Jack?" I asked.
"He'll be here any minute. He ran down to get some Ice for the coolers." And as if on que the door opened again. I saw a familiar set of curls pop up. Everyone pretended to act normal, to see if he would notice that I was here.
He placed the ice in the coolers and finally looked back up. I was on the opposite side of the roof. When he looked up his eyes immediately met mine. At this point everyone was looking at us.
"Yea-" I couldn't even finish answering before he started running toward me. I did the same. We landed in each other's arms,Not letting go. I stood on my tippy toes to come a little bit closer to his height. My body filled with butterflies as he held my body as close to his as possible. My arms immediately wrapped around him as his did the same. We pulled apart and looked at each other. Only to fall back into a hug.
"Oh gosh I've missed you so much" he said as I could feel him smile into my shoulder.
"I've missed you to curly" we pulled apart and and he put his too hands on my waist and threw me over his shoulder. He began shout "you're here! You're here!" while running around like a child, making everyone laugh . We looked back at everyone and I saw that Sydnie was recording. When Jack put me down I was dizzy so I sat on the ground laughing from what jack just did.
"Thanks for the ride babygirl" I winked at Jack while I laid on the floor laughing. What I said caused him to laugh and fall on the floor right next to me. I rolled over and laid my head on Jacks stomach.
"Oh hey didn't see ya there" I smiled. He let out a laugh as I struggled to get up. Once I did I turned to help pull him up. We both dusted ourselves off and looked back at everyone else. They where all looking at us with smiles- except for the one unfamiliar girl. She looked hurt and confused. Soon enough everyone went back got here conversations.
"Where are Corbyn and Jonah?" I asked Jack.
"They went on a Vacation" Jack answered.
"RiCh KiDs" i said jokingly. I felt someone tug on my arm. I looked to see Isla and Reese.
"Hey girls" I smiled. I turned putting my back to Jack giving my attention to the girls. I crouched to meet there height.
"Stefanie, will you take Reese and I to do a photoshoot tomorrow?" Isla asked.
"Pretty pleaseeee?" Reese added.
"Of course. Anything for you two" I smiled. They high fived each other and hugged me and walked back to what they where doing. I turned back to Jack who smiling.
"I missed that too."
"The way Isla looks at you. She loves you. A lot." He blushed.
"I would do anything for her." I smiled. After a moment of silence;
"Jack?" I questioned.
"Who is she?" I said quietly, nodding my head in the direction of the girl I didn't know. She was very pretty, with beautiful curly hair.
"Um...She...I...that's- wait you don't know?"
"No, Why else would i be asking?"
"Haven't you been on Instagram or Twitter-or even Snapchat?" He asked.
"What? Since when? Why?"
"For a long time- and because...I decided not to use social media for a while."
"Well um. She's-" he got cut off by Sydnie- who was sitting next to the girl.
"Jack your girlfriend is calling you!" She smiled. My heart shattered into pieces. My broken eyes looked at him for some sort of comfort yet they found none.
"Stefanie. I-"
"It's okay. I should've known anyway." I said softly. "It's okay. Just go." I said looking down. My heart began to beat faster and I felt like I couldn't breath.
"Daniel?" I asked getting up and looking for him.
"Yeah?" He asked concerned.
"Daniel...I...im panic attack" i said quickly trying to catch my breath. He pulled me into his arms and carried bridal style, we began walking to the stairs.
"Just smile so they don't see you- and start to worry. Okay?" He said softly. I managed to put a fake smile on my face. As we walked I saw Jack look at me with hurt in his eyes. We reached the door and we sat on the steps.
"It's okay" i said shaking. "Go back"
"No, i won't leave you like this."
"It's okay. I'll call someone, and if you don't go back they will start to worry." I said catching my breath.
"Stefanie i can't."
"Daniel please. Ill be okay. I love you."
"I love you too." He looked into my eyes and nodded. "I'll tell them you went to the bathroom." He kissed my cheek and walked back out.

Mine// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now