Phone gave me the look of 'thank you so much'. I smiled and waved. "Have fun on your alnighter guys!" Using a small voice I whispered. Spider looked up at me while phone relpied with, 'yeahhhh thanks, good night sparrow!'

Once at my own tent, i entered seeing the two fast alseep men that layed on the ground. Small snores came from minute while latch made no sound. As if he weren't even there.

I hopped into my own little bed and closed my eyes. Feeling my sleep washing over in calm waves i thought about what was going to happen tomorrow.

I reached my hand up in front of my face while the other two slept safe and sound. I stared at my hand, waving it in front of my face.


My eyes widened as i almost laughed. Phone has to spend the whole night with spider!! Phone bein the talk-a-tive one like minute and spider bei bg the cold one would not mix together. I felt sorry for the both of them having to deal with each other. It still made my night though.

NARRATOR POV hue hue hue

As the night washed over the group, the sun began to rise with its loving warmth. The night had been cold, harsh for those who had to watch out and spend the night outside. For those who slept it was moderate.

Over the night watch phone and fallen asleep leaving spider to work. Phone was not used to the sleeping format like spider was. Spider had spent long nights outside from his family not being in the right minded place. Bring spider to be different from the others, or so he felt.

Contries far far away from this sqauds homeland had been over run. Spiders homeland though was so close to being over run. By now, spider thought it was. He didn't rhink much of it though, he never really cared for those people anyway.

While the others being so far away, these people had no clue that people were dying left and right over there.

Minute had been the first to awake. He almost yelled from not knowing that latch would be in the tent. But he managed to catch himself almost instantly.

He looked over latch to make sure you were safe and sound. Thankfully you were. He thought you looked rather cute asleep. Minute was shocked after this thought. He had to admit it though, you really did. But he kept it at there. Not dragging it on as feelings for you he just thought you looked cute. Thats all.

He left the tent to check on the others to find phone seated on a log, alone. At this moment minute felt panic and rushed over to him, hoping nothing bad had happened durin the long night.

Minute placed his hands on phones shoulders as he started to jerk him around, all over the place.

"Phone??!?" He shouted but quietly remembering some people were sleeping and they were not alone in this place.

"Wh-aaah...?" Phone mumbled slowly coming to. When phone opened his eyes he sprung to life and looked around. Slight worry on his face. At this point minute was so close to tackling his to the ground for he had fallen asleep and put their lives in danger. He put sparrow's life in danger.

"Minute.... where is spider...?" He questione, fully awake. Minute had completely forgotten about him because of his lack of talking.

Surprise washed over minutes face and phone turned around. His face fulled with fear and guilt. Was it his fault that spider was gone? He couldn't help to think these but he soon let out a sigh of relief.

Minute looked at him puzzled before he turned around to fully phones gaze. Spider sloutched in the tree's long thick branch and was carving some wood into a sharp edge.

Minute let put a breath he didn't know he was holding back. His body relaxed as their team mate looked down at them, a sly smirk showing before he went back to what he was doing.

"Phone go wake up the others please.." minute asked and phone did as so, dissappearing in thw tent. No noise made at all.

Minute didn't break eye contact between him and spider. He soon asked spider to come down and talk, which he did.

They stood face to face before minute sat down on a log with a light sly chuckle.

"Anything happen last night while phone was knocked out cold?" Minute joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Spider didn't even look at him before answering, "It was rather quiet and slow.."

Minute cranked a smile at him before the others sleepishly walked out. Phone walked close to sparrow making minute stare, spider took notice of this. Looking though the coner of his eye, he saw everything.

Your pov

I walked out to the camp seeinf minute and spider. Though... minute didn't look happy at all. Maybe it was because of the fact that phone had fallen asleep on the job. I chuckled at my own thought.

I sat down near spider with phone on the other side.

"Morning everyone," I started, "how did you all sleep?" Spider grunted and yawned a little explaining his answer. While latch spoke up.

"It was really good, im sorry i had to sleep in your tent..." when saying this he looked over at minute, expecting some sort of punishment from him.

"No worries latch!" Minute chuckled bring a small smile to latch. "This numnut over here thought it would be better to sleep on the job!!" Minute pointed to phone, laughing.

"Hey!! I fell asleep, i can't control that!" Phone spat back, giving minute a glare. Minute returned that glare.

"Alright break it up, if you dont then... your not going to get anything from the traps!" I said in hopes of stopping the childish fight.

"That's if they caught anything." Spider continued.

"Well thats why im going t check. Anyone want to come?" I asked.

Latch raised his hand like a child in primary school. I smiled and gestured for him to follow me. Today was going to be a good day!

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