Full moon

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Gwyneth pov

Tonight was the night of the full moon, cassandra drew the witch symbols  with all the symbols. That we needed, than inside the circle, was plant, water and fire and one of the witches blood. And the symbol of the ape village, now we needed to wait for the moonlight get just right, in the sky above us i thought to myself. 1...2...3, there it is " it's time " than we got in our spots, but lucy help Camilia. Get in her spot than we were all holding hands with each other, " on 3" i order we will chanting the spell to protect the village from victoria

~~~~~ cassandra pov

On 3 we started to chant the spell words if you translate the words into english   send a shild to the protect the  ape village that we vow our lives to them, mother moon.  I thought as we chanted i heard thunder, than i saw flashing lighting within the background. Than a strong wind came though as we were casting a powerful shild  spell to the village of the apes. That we had done everything, for the apes and for our past alives that won't be lost for nothing. I would die for the apes

~~~~   Camilia pov

As we kept chanting the spell words i had learn to profect the ape village, i had to keep going though. I thought as i heard another thunder sound and i saw the lighting. Then i saw her, victoria, lucy saw this " don't pay attention to her " she said before we began to chant once again i did along with lucy and the others. " come on...you don't believe or understand in their cause ...your like me...i see it in your eyes " she taunt me i thought as i kept chanting the words that they taught me

~~~~~~ lucy

She was here victoria she still live and kicking, sadly evil like my mother said a dark heart. Can't ever change the color of a cold, black loveless heart, no way i thought to myself . as i noticed the ground where the circle  was form before we started to cast the spell. The spell was cast, it was over than Gwyneth let go, went after her, as we were done. Camelia pass out, i tend to her " stay here, i am going after her " cassy said as i stay behind with camelia. Please be okay, camelia just wake up i pray to her

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