village, flashbacks and hurting

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Gwyneth pov

I was following snowy my guardian pet, owl in witch culture believe a witch. Who sacrifice her life become an animal guardian in another life and protect a witch no matter what. In her journey, I truly believe in it we got deeper in the woods. I heard snowy hooting and leading the way. I could hear Cassandra "just remember they don't know about the past, they might not believe in us or be fearful of us" I nodded, I need to protect the apes from Victoria she not. Doing this again, over my dead body as I kept walking up this steep hill.

Then I stop at the first sign that was cover with blood that read stop human ape home. Yup this wasn't sweet old home, with the castles and different land's that belong different tribes of apes. Than we made to a large wooden wall gate, thick there above the opening. Was the Cesar's symbol for his clan, I was surprised it was just a coincidence I carefully look around. But I felt a soul, he was sleeping though I sign carefully steps I can't sense if it was a human or ape. We careful walk through the gate there, until I heard a snap. Like twig breaking, it was Lucy, she mouthed sorry than a large gorilla once I saw his face it was luca. Lucy's passed husband & mate, I knew when I saw her face she. Was having a flashback

Lucy pov

Luca I whisper under my breath, he died in the 1st battle when Victoria. Try to destroyed gorilla clan, I started to have flashback as i saw luca face even he didn't know me

Flashback *

We were going after Victoria but we lost the trail, on the way tracking her.  "It's gone "luca said, I smiled sweetly, "we find her ... as long darkness lives she come out and we finished her "he smiled back, we were. Taking a break, from riding back, I saw a beaufuil pink flower tree. Studying it deeply, " it's a cherry blooms on's a symbol of our clan means strength but peace," he walk over pull the branch down and pluck the small branch of many cherry blossom . I took it carefully, "thank you" put in my hair. "It looks beaufuil in your hair "I blushed, soon after we went back to riding horse back to his land.

Flashback ends

Soon after I squeeze my new friend hand milia, as the large gorilla luca. Who didn't know us, who I was to him ?

Gwyneth pov

Soon as he got close to us I form a fireball, once he saw it he didn't want to think. Of me "we aren't not humans...we are us to your leader "he nodded, he slowly lead us down the path and more gorillas lead us down. The air was thick with fog, that kind gives you creepy chills down my body. Than more apes surround us such as gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan but only couple. They saw my fireball, in my hand still going they were backing down. "Where's your leader?" I asked than I saw an ape, chimpanzee he come out on a rock and I saw him. My past husband Cesar, I started to have a flashback of the time I first met him.

Flashback starts

I had just arrive at the kingdom of Cesar, and enter the beaufuil castle. Of his I was asked to come, the reason because he wanted to thank the mother of apes. I made my way down though the first set of doors than went first set of staris. Than bow, as I did I felt everyone eyes on me. Before standing up right than went. Down the staris and hoping I would not fall down the stairs than I made to the ballroom. There I was in front of the king Cesar but I didn't know why I was so nervous though. I felt my heart racing fast and faster as he walk over to me. "King Cesar" I said in whisper so low I thought he could barely heard me. "Gwyneth, your more beaufuil in real life than in myth" I blushed bright red. "Gwyneth may I have this dance "I nodded, I felt his hand on my waist than we started to dance around the ballroom. We twirl and spin, one time he even pick me up.

Flashback ends

I was bought back to real world, thanks to Victoria dark magic, I slowly. Walk up to the boulder, he spoke slowly and in this place or time. He didn't speak like in the past " here "at the same time. I felt like someone was in pain, "to protect apes, care for apes ...we are witches" than Cassandra pick up a small rock and she made into an orange. She threw at Cesar and he caught, "it's an orange" Cassandra said. He look at it in amazement, "we don't mean any harm if we did, your and the village would be destroyed already" Cassandra spoke. I felt pain of another animal but I could tell it was ape. Thought that was all I would tell, he was shot many times. "There's an ape hurt ...badly ....he's dyeing ...shot...I can heal him or her...please take me to ape" he nodded the ape must have been on his or her death bed. He sign come, than he lead us to a treehouse, once I went in. would see the poor orangutan, I saw that Cassandra that stop her in her tracks. As I started to heal his badly wounds, as she stand like she was going to pass out.

~~~ Cassandra pov

I saw the poor hurt ape, there was my passed husband Maurice. I stop in my tracks not because of the blood, just knowing how much. He was hurting, so badly I didn't know what to think. Why would a human shoot an ape, it's sickling I thought to myself. As I thought to myself I as I started to have flashback.


I was visiting Cesar kingdom, as I came across a small school area. I peak my head inside, there was a small class going inside. There was an orangutan ape, teaching the class I was standing there. Watching him and his class, at the end he saw me. I walk inside when the students left "sorry about that. I just came across here ...wanted to watch. Sorry" I told him. He smiled gently "it's fine darling, I am Maurice "I smiled back "I am Cassandra from the witch kingdom" I told him. As I study his wall of rules, my fav is power is  knowledge , it was the one. To catch my eye, that day he told me about their school and how me around.

Flashback ends

Gwyneth pov

His wounds were badly, like a human kept shooting until them thought. This poor ape, drop to the ground. I felt the leader ape walk over, as I move to another spot. "He's going to live" he kept quiet until I was done. The orangutan open his eyes, "he need to rest" the leader nodded, and I walk over to my witch sisters. As he talk to his healed up friend, than he came over to us "thank you... friend " I smiled at the sound of that. " my name is Gwyneth", told him than he answer " Cesar" he was the recarnation of Cesar I knew and loved so dearly.

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