wakeing up, questions & owl

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Camilla pov

I woke up I had this painful headache, I open my eyes there was. 3 girls around or close by, "can't believe that Victoria mess this curse we cast, now we are late...we were not there for the rise" I saw it was medium length with blonde curly hair, "don't worry ...we find the apes, show them we only want to help them" neon pink hair that had. Little side buns, the long straight propel hair spoke up "we go look for the apes, when she wakes up" she said. I kind of sat up right, the pink hair girl noticed "she up!!!! You're not dead" hugs me from the side. "Hi?" I said, blonde hair girl came over. "Thank you for freeing us ...I am witch Gwyneth mother of apes". "Your welcome" I said, the girl who hugged me. "I am Lucy", the purple long hair spoke up, "I am Cassandra" she smiled so sweetly. "Oh ...so sorry I am Camilla my friend's millia"

"Millia ... I have many questions, I bet you do too" Gwyneth spoke. Than Cassandra handed a cup of tea I believe, " this bring your charka up, you lost a lot for casting that spell to free us " I slowly took a sip, before speaking up. " there wasn't a lot a history in the book I found, pages torn out and nothing about Victoria. " Victoria was one of my students but she turn evil, I took her power but she created a necklace that feeds on fear of humans. That's her magic she lives on now, apes and witches history is very deep and long in time you will learn." She told me sweetly. She took a breath before speaking up "where are the apes? Who's the leader?" she asked "um I don't know ...sorry" I told her. "It's alright" she said so sweetly like a mother, I drank my tea. As I heard, heard her "snowy" yelled out.

~~~ Gwyneth pov

I saw snowy my pet owl, "there you are, I am back my faithful pet "he hooted back. "Sweetie please tell me that you know or seen where the apes are?" he started to hoot, since I was animal witch. I understand animals and I can felt their pain also. My owl snowy told me where they were at, he was going to lead us the way. " he know the way" I yelled out to my sisters

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