"You were unconscious for about two weeks, Luna." The doctor says stepping forward. He bows his head respectfully as she turns her attention to him.

"Two weeks?!" Her eyes grow wide has even more worry floods through her green forests.

"Yes. Your wounds seemed to have healed very nicely with no scarring except for the..." The doctor takes a nervous glance at me and I could feel my temperature rise as my blood begins to boil. He clears his throat and looks back to Octavia. "The secondary mark on your neck has left a scar, but is completely healed."

Her hand instantly lands on the right side of her neck, where Jalex left his disgusting mark on her. As of right now it is covered by gauze. I have yet to see the mark and I never wish to see it. It is a tragedy.

"I-I thought it was a nightmare." Her eyes begin to water slightly and she can no longer make eye contact with anyone. My heart clenches in my chest at the sight of Octavia in pain.

"Everyone out." I demand. I don't want her to become too overwhelmed.

The doctor gives me a weary glance. He probably wants to run some test and do another check up. I give him a small nod in understanding before he exits the room with the rest of the staff. Once the door clicks behind them, the first few tears spills past her eyes and onto her somewhat pale cheek.


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She cries, her small hands coming up to cover her face. My throat suddenly runs dry in shock. Why is she apologizing? What does she have to apologize for?

"Ducky." My voice comes out a lot softer than intend as I pull her hands away from her face and wrap my arms around her in a hug. "You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I am the one who is sorry. I should have protected you better. I should have stopped Jalex before he ever had the chance to..." The words get caught in my throat and all I can do is hug her tighter. I never want to let her ago again.

Who would've even thought we would be here? In this insane situation? I would have never guessed that I would become so fond of the girl I practically kidnapped from her family. Her family... I have to give them a call and let them know that she is finally awake.

"Your family was here no too long ago. They came and visited you." I whisper gently and I rub her back soothingly.

"Ajax, I don't want this mark. Please tell me you have found away to safely remove it." She pulls away from me her big green eyes are slightly red and puffy from crying. I wipe the stray tears from her cheeks and shake my head "no". I had never felt more disappointed in myself than I do right now. I should have worked harder, what the hell is wrong with me?

"I will find away, both Cipher and I have been searching and soon the elders will be here to shine any light they have on the subject." I promise, a strong sense of determination washing over me. She nods her head as more tears spill onto her cheeks.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine." She shrugs her shoulders and runs her fingers through her hair. "My muscles feel sore though. I should probably stretch them out."

"Are you ready to see the doctor? I'm sure he is eager to check up on you and run a few test."

She releases a heavy sigh and wraps her arms around my torso, pulling me into a hug. I don't hesitate for even a millisecond before hugging her back.

Millions of thoughts cloud my brain as we hug in silence. Can she feel a second mate bond? Can she sense that he is alive? That we failed to kill the man who did this to her? Will the elders have the answers we require?

My wolf stirs in the back of my mind. He becomes angry at the thought of our mate sharing an intimate connection with another man. Another werewolf.

At least I can rest easy tonight knowing that my mate's life is no longer hanging by a thread. She is here, alive and well. Together we will find away to remove that horrible mark.

 Together we will find away to remove that horrible mark

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