Chapter 8 Friday night football(After party){Reese}

Start from the beginning

I'm scum for bringing these girls around him to try and make him jealous. I know, but I can't help it. I just need one ounce of jealousy from him to now he cares. Nothing yet so far though. So I'm forced to listen to lacy tell me how good I am at football and how good we would be as a couple and what not. To stop her from talking I kissed her, she tasted like peach vodka and lip gloss. They all taste similar to that. I wonder how Alex would taste. I peek over at him, he was chugging down his beer. I would still rather be tasting him right about now.

I kissed Tracy for a while until I noticed Alex had left the back deck to go somewhere else. picking up Kacie by her legs I moved our make-out session into the house. Where I knew Alex could see it. I do this at almost every party to see if he will care. He never does so I end up leaving with the girl I had Been with that night to a hotel room where we have sex and I spend the rest of the night lying awake in shame, Just to get up the next morning and do it again at the next party.
It's a sick and sad cycle that I can't seem to break.

"Trying to make him jealous by dry humping a girl to a wall is sick and will not get a response from him. He's to smart to ever fall for some low trick like this. Honestly, Reese if you weren't going to be alpha in the next 17 hours I would kick your Ass right here for even trying this shit again."

Jack practically yelled at me in my head while I was making out with...with..shit what's her name again??

One thing about my future beta Jack, he's way more talkative with mind link then outside with words, but He still knows how to convey a message and make me feel guilty without me even having to look at him.

He's right though I need to stop this.
I pull away from the girl and put her back down gently on the floor.
" look I'm sorry but I can't do this with you, I'm sorry for wasting your time," I tell her backing away to leave. But she grabbed my arm.

"Wait what no it's ok you didn't waste my time. Come we are so well together, I know you feel the connection between us."

Great, she's one of the crazy's, good job Reese.
"Look um..... what's your name again?"

" look Gracie there is nothing between us. I'm sorry but I was using you to get back at someone else and I'm sorry for doing it, you deserve way better" I say feeling proud of my self. I think I'm finally growing up from my childish ways.

The slap across the face that came next was painful but not unexpected. Stacy then stormed away into the crowd.

I looked for Alex everywhere but I couldn't find him. I know one of his best friends probably knows where he is but I wasn't about to ask them. Jack is still a way to pissed at me for that shit I tried to pull and Isaac was too preoccupied talking to Tod to even be helpful. Isaac and Tod are totally screwing, I know that for sure now. The only place in this house I haven't checked is the east stairwell. I climbed the steps as I called for him.

"Runt, are you up here??" I said climbing the steps. On the last step is when Alex finally appeared.

"Hey I'm going down I just had to use the restroom." He said trying to block my view of him. But I could still see and smell him. This guy is number one on my kill list not because he's a total douche, but because he took Alex's first kiss. It was back in seventh grade I was rounding a corner when I saw his lips all over my Alex. That was the day I had come to realize my true feelings for Alex. When I saw them kissing, To say I was furious was an understatement. I've made sure to keep a better eye on Alex senes then. I've even gone as far as getting him out of every class that he had with Xavier. And even keeping him away from others just like Xavier.
Alex is mine.

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