Chapter 38

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A/N Little bit of sexy times ahead

After four long months we were ready to move. Walter forced the entire staff that was going to take a long weekend to recharge, finish packing and be ready for our flight on Monday. Walter also charted a private plane for all of us which I was very thankful for.

I used my long weekend to finish my packing and get as much Travis and Sam time in as I could. Travis and I barely left his bedroom. I was staying there for the few days I had left. It was farther from work but I had officially moved out of my apartment and would have rather stayed with him than a hotel.

"What time do you need to be at your office?" Travis asks as he traces circles on my naked back as we lay in his bed.

"Walter wanted everyone there by five. The flight leaves at seven."

Walter also rented a bus to take us from the office to the tarmac we were leaving from. He was making this as easy as possible for everyone.

"So we still have a few hours. You're basically packed right?"


"Anywhere you want to go and get your last minute New York fix?"

I move myself closer to him. "Nope. I got everything I need right here."

He chuckles. "You getting sappy on me?"

I start to kiss his neck. "Nope." I continued to suck and kiss his neck.

He let out a low, husky moan that turned me on even more. I hitched my leg over him and rolled him on his back and climbed on top. I could feel his hard erection on my ass, awaiting entrance.

I dip down and continue to kiss his neck, trailing downward.

"How are you not sore?" He chokes out.

"I am but two months will be a long time without sex."

He grabs my shoulders to stop me. "Wait. Why wouldn't you have sex while you're gone? We aren't exclusive Bec."

I stiffen. Well fuck. I sit up straight to look at him.


"Ok look. Just to be clear, I haven't had sex with anyone else since we've been together but I wouldn't expect you or myself to go two months without sex. And as much as I would really like to think you wouldn't, I know Johnathan is going and that is absolutely a possibility. Long hours working together, drinks, one thing leads to another. I'm not naive."

"I wouldn't." Even as I said it, I knew there was a lack of confidence behind that statement but I loved what I had with Travis. I wasn't sure I wanted to ruin it. But apparently he wasn't on the same page as me.

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Really?"

Anger and hurt spread through me. "Yes. I want to be with you but if you're gonna stick your dick in someone else the minute I leave then I guess we should just have one last goodbye fuck."

I went to get off him but he grabbed my waist. "Hey. Stop. Don't leave, we aren't done talking."

"What's left to talk about? I'm leaving and then were just gonna do what we want and when I get back, if I come back, we will maybe start fucking again because that's apparently all this is, right?"

He closes his eyes and licks his lips, taking a deep breath in. "Bec. Did you ever think that maybe I said that to protect myself? You're going to be with your ex who I know you still have feelings for. I'm just trying to let you do what I know will inevitably happen without you feeling guilty about it. I don't fucking want you to. I love you. The thought of his or any other man's hands on you make me physically sick."

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