Chapter 37

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Christmas was around the corner and I had been so busy with work, I had overlooked Christmas shopping completely. Luckily I had Jennifer to help me. I told her what I was looking for and she ordered everything for me. She also found some service that would wrap the gifts for you. What a genius idea for terrible people like me.

I ordered her personal Christmas gift myself, a new Italian leather briefcase, but I also needed to give her my Christmas surprise and I was hoping she would say yes.

"Ms. Johnson? You wanted to see me?" She asked after she knocked lightly.

I motioned for her to come in. "Yes come on in. Can you pull it?" I pointed to the door.

She nodded before shutting it behind her and sitting in one of the leather chairs in front of my desk. I stood up and came around, wanting to sit next to her for this. She looked at me a little surprised and curious. It wasn't something I normally did; if ever.

"So Jennifer." I say sitting down. "I have And a proposition for you."

I lean forward towards her. "Have you ever been to San Francisco?"

Her eyes go wide and recognition crosses her face. The whole company knows now about the plans, certain people already being asked to come. Everyone was just waiting and hoping they would be chosen.

"Really? You want me to come?" She asks placing her hand on her chest.

"Of course. You are my right hand woman, there is no way I could not have you there. I am going to need you more than ever."

A huge smile spreads across her face. "Thank you so much. I can't believe it."

"Well believe it. In addition to being my assistant, I'd like to have you help train the other assistants and new paralegals on procedure, documentation and so on. We will be mirroring this office with how we do things. Of course California laws are different so we will need to alter some of the document coding and such but it should be pretty similar."

She nods in understanding.

"There is a lot of work to do but we have a few months to iron out some details and then some of it will be learning as it comes. We need a solid foundation before hand though so you need to be prepared for long hours ahead. Maybe some Saturday's. Same will go for when we are out there. The good news is we will be hiring all experienced staff out there and will only hire people we know can jump right in."

I sigh. "I will have to take and pass the California bar so I'm going to need all the assistance I can."

"I thought New York had reciprocity in other states?"

"It does and technically I am fine, especially since I won't really be involved too much in the actual legal work for a while but we agreed it would be better if I did. Especially if I stay long term."

She raised her eyebrow. "You might stay for good?"

"Maybe. I'm seeing how it goes. It would be mine. New York is my home but that's not something I think I could pass up." I shrug my shoulders. "But back to you. Now you have your classes and I don't want you to fall behind."

"Oh I um.." She interrupts. "I actually talked to my advisor just in case you chose me. He said several of the classes have online options so I can just pick a couple of those for the semester I'm in San Fran. I already know which ones." She looks down embarrassed.

I smile. "I am...thoroughly impressed Jennifer. This is exactly why I need you there."

She looks back up at me. "Thank you. I was hoping since I was your assistant, I go where you go but I wasn't sure. I just wanted to be prepared in case you did."

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