Chapter 33

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Walking into the office was almost surreal. I felt like I hadn't been here in months. Everything seemed so different. I felt different.

Jennifer had greeted me with a large coffee, made just how I like it, and a chocolate croissant.

"Good Morning Ms. Johnson. It's really good to have you back."

"It's good to be back, Jennifer. Let me get settled and well catch up. I have a laundry list of things to discuss."

She smiled. "Of course. Walter wanted to see you when you have a moment."

She said it like it wasn't a big deal but Walter only did in person chats when it was important. Mostly to yell at or fire someone, so I wasn't feeling exactly hopeful.

After responding to some emails, letting certain clients knowing I was back, I pulled Jennifer back in to debrief.

We went through my list, assigning tasks and deadlines. She caught me up on certain deals and the stages they were in. I had actually missed quite a bit while I was gone but it seemed to all be handled well. It made me feel better about taking time off in the future.

One thing I realized in my time off was that I didn't do enough of it. Despite everything that happened, I had moments where I was relaxed and stress free. And if my sudden heart issue taught me anything it was that life was short and anything can happen. I loved my job but it wasn't everything.

I didn't know when or how it happened but I felt it. I felt like I had changed. I felt I was starting over in a bunch of different ways.

I glanced at my clock when we were wrapping up and saw that it was 10:25. Johnathan was here in the building, in this office.

My body tensed. I would be seeing him soon.

"Ms. Johnson?" Jennifer asked looking concerned.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I asked if you had anything else to discuss?"

Oh if only she knew. "Uh no. I'm all set for right now. Thank you Jennifer."

She nodded and stood. She stopped at the door. "It really is good to have you back. You were greatly missed." She smiled and then shut the door behind her.

I felt tears well in my eyes. Who the hell was I now having these types of things affect me?

I went back to work making phone calls and doing some research. It was a sufficient distraction until a soft knock rapped at my door just after noon.

Shit. I wasn't prepared for this.

"Come in." I called but it was shaky.

The door opened to reveal Walter. I let out a breath. "Walter. Hello."

I stood up to make my way over to him. I held out my hand but he pulled me in for a hug instead.

"Rebecca. It's so good to have you back." He pulled away but kept his hands on my shoulders. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Really good. Happy to be back."

"Good." He squeezed my shoulders before dropping then to his sides. "So you up to speed on everything?"

I nodded. "Almost. Just need to circle back with James and the team on a couple things. I planned on pulling everyone together after lunch today."

"Excellent. Things went well but your expertise being absent was noticed."

"Thank you sir. That means a lot."

He clapped his hands together. "Right well about that. I have a proposition I'd like to discuss with you. What are your plans for lunch?"

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