Bonus Chapter II - Happy Birthday Kookie

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3rd Person's POV

"Ugh! What do you mean the offer was declined?! I have spent months on getting that offer and this is what you give me?! Go find me anothe one,now!" Jungkook screamed at the phone as he angrily put it back.

It's his birthday. Yet I'm stuck with stupid people ruining my business and mood.

"Feeling stressed Mr. Jeon?" You chuckled. You put down the two coffee to the coffee table and sat down on the expensive leather couch.

"Damn,I am." Jungkook groaned,throwing himself at the coach,crushing your poor leg.

"Ow! Move it!" You pushed Jungkook's leg's off you and slapped him. "Get used to it,I've been there a couple of times."

Jungkook scoffed. "Tch,yeah,who got into business first?" Jungkook questioned.

"Doesn't matter." You said. "Well,gonna go back to my house. Just found out Jaehyun did something to Woori again. Just though it will be nice if I bought you a cup of coffee since I'm passing by." You said standing up to grab your coat.

"Alright. Buy me gift ok?" Jungkook said.

"It's my birthday too." You reminded before walking out.

Her birthday.

They always focuse on her. What about me?

Jungkook shook his head before standing up again,he grabbed the coffee and returned to his desk.


"Dammit." Jungkook muttered annoyedly.

He is now stuck in the middle of the road with a flat tire. It's 11:00 and he doesn't want to bother anyone.

This may be the worst day of his life,nobody cares about his birthday,someone canceled the iffer he has been expecting on,he had constant headaches,over all,this day was just a huge stress.

"What the hell am I going to do? Walk home?" He whined,on the verge of tears as he feels his stress piling up.

He may be 26 years old now,but he still have that matured but baby looking image. If that makes sense. He still acts like a child sometimes when it's not work.

He missed his girlfriend.

He wants to call her but he can't. She is currently on Paris,continuing her business there. He just wished,even one time,he get to see her again.


1 year ago

Jungkook is running fast as he is gonna be late for his business meeting. Though he is the CEO,He can't afford to be late. Nuh-uh,out of his list.

He suddenly bumped into a girl who is carrying huge boxes. He accidentally spilled his morning coffee on one of the spilled clothes on the floor.

"YAHHHH!!!" She screamed as she saw the mess.

The girl with bobbed slightly blinde hair glared at Jungkook as she angrily points at the mess. "You. Pay. For. This!" She said spitting venom with each word.

Jungkook scoffed. "Ugh whatever here." Jungkook carelessly threw his wallet at her and dashed away again. Without thinking,he just threw his precious wallet with a stranger.

The girl was taken aback by the older's action.

"I'm not poor you dumb #%*$<¥*#€<¥#^#$~%%##*}$~¥" She screamed.

*A week later*

The bells jingled indicating someone came in the store. She greeted with a smile but it immediately faltered as she saw who is it.

The Badboy In School *Jimin FF* (Continuation)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ