Clem x Gabe | He Gets It From His Uncle

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Amazing idea from hey_its_katya236 !

Gabe's POV
My heart was beating like a drum, my palms sweating like it was a thousand degrees and my stomach churned. Were you supposed to feel like this when you confessed your love to someone? I had no idea, but I felt terrified.

Clem was...well, she was strong, brave and confident. Being the complete opposite, I was weak, afraid and always relied on others. I doubted that she thought anything of me. I just wished she knew how I felt without me having to go through the whole nerve racking process of telling her.

"You've got this," I whispered under my breath to myself as I began to stumble towards Clem's room.

We had found a house to temporarily stay in; our group. Myself, Clem, Javi and Kate. I wished Mari was still with us, I missed her so much. Just the thought of her made my eyes well up with tears. She didn't deserve to die, no one deserves to die...

"You good?" A voice came from in front of me.

Quickly, I glanced up to see Clem leaning against her door frame, one hand out, eating an apple. I choked down the tears that were about to spill out of my eyes and looked at her.

"Uh, yeah. All good," God I was so awkward.

"Okay," she replied, unconvinced. She threw her finished apple out of the window and walked closer to me. Her eyes studied my face a little, judging me. I broke out into a cold sweat.

"Clem, listen-" I began.

She cut me off, "I know what you're going through, you know. I've lost a lot of people too."

My eyes glanced to the floor and I let out a sad sigh. She could read me like a book.

"Yeah, it's tough," I actually never asked what happened to her real family, but had the feeling she was going to tell me.

"My parents went on holiday and left me with a babysitter....they never came back. I saw them when I finally made it to Savannah, but as walkers. I never really got to properly say goodbye," she explained. Oh Clem.

"I didn't get to say goodbye to Mari either," I told her as she placed a hand on my shoulder and gently rubbed it a little.

"I know it's tough, but you have to look to the future. Besides, you still have Javi, Kate and me," she stepped closer to me with her last word, close enough so that our faces were almost touching. Her breath tickled my skin and she gave a warm smile before wrapping her arms around my neck and letting her lips connect with mine.

I felt awkward, but in a good way. I put my arms around her waist but only a little; I wasn't sure what to do. The sensation of her lips touching mine made my whole body tingle with joy, but then she pulled away. She cocked an eyebrow before giving me a small and quietly saying, "You dork."

She grabbed my hands and pulled them further onto her waist. Our lips touched again, this time for longer.

Javi's POV
"Holy shit they're making out!" I excitedly called to Kate in a whisper from our bedroom, the door cracked open enough for me to see snd not be heard.

"Let me see!" Kate happily skipped over to me. She gave a small sequel in excitement and a smile grew on her face. "Awh, Gabe is so clueless."

"I'm sure he'll figure it out," I smirked.

"What? Gets it from his uncle?" She winked.

"The one and only!" I placed my hands on my hips and walked away from the door.

"And what exactly does he get?" She smirked, walking closer to me.

"This," I said, grabbing her and making out like Clem and Gabe, just way better.

She laughed as we pulled away, "You goofball."

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