Chapter 4

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  Sasuke gets up an sits down on the couch, Naruto sits up to let his sit down then he lies his head in Sasuke's lap. Sasuke:" guess who I bumped into earlier today?" Naruto:" who" Sasuke:" Sakura she bumped into he and she asked it I could go and have lunch with her and catch up" Naruto:" cool you should do it I think she should finally know about what so you think?" Sasuke:" I don't care it to you and what you want to do Naruto." Naruto:" well do you want to tell her about us or should we tell Itachi first?" Sasuke turned his head and got quite as he plays with Naruto's hair. Naruto turns on his back and looks up at Sasuke, Naruto:" Sasuke you do know that we have to tell him sooner or later right?" Sasuke looks down at Naruto. Sasuke:" Yeah Naruto I know..." Naruto:" well it not like your going to be telling by yourself I will be there to tell him with you. Sasuke:" I know we will tell him soon just not today." He bends down and gives Naruto a kiss. Sasuke:" I love you Naruto. Naruto:" I love you too Sasuke." They both get up and head to the kitchen to make them dinner, Sasuke: So Naruto what do you want to eat tonight? Naruto I don't know. what are you going to make me to eat?" Sasuke:" I think I will make you your favorite but just this once okay" Naruto: * gasp* really you would do that for me ahhh~ thank you Sasuke. He walks over to Naruto and gives his a kiss as he hang on his shoulders. Sasuke:" Naruto go sit down dinner will be done here after a while he turns to go get some spices from the spice rack and Naruto goes to the table and sits down. Sasuke finishes with the food and he goes to the table to set down the food. Naruto get excited as Sasuke sits down the bowl in front of him. Naruto,Sasuke:"Itadakimasu" after saying that they both begin eating Naruto:" mmm~ Sasuke this is really good Gochisousama he says after finishing his food and he walks to the couch and falls fast asleep. Sasuke grabs the dishes from the table and start to cleans up the kitchen then he heads into the living room and he sees Naruto fast asleep on the couch, he kneels down next to him and picks him up and takes him to their room and lies them on the bed. Naruto grabs Sasuke and pulls him onto the bed and hugs him like a big panda bear. Sasuke:" Oi Naruto what are doing let go I need to change first" Naruto days nothing as he holds onto Sasuke and falls back to sleep.Sasuke tries to escape Naruto's grasp he Naruto has a strong grip on him, after a few seconds Naruto lets Sasuke go and Sasuke gets up and takes a quit shower than he puts on his PJ's and crawls back into bed with Naruto and cuddles him. Sasuke wraps his arms around Naruto's stomach and then kisses him before falling asleep. In the morning Naruto wakes up early and takes a shower, makes him something to eat, then he sits in the living room and reads a books waiting for Sasuke to wake up. Sasuke with his hands looks around for Naruto then when he can't find him he sits up rubs his eyes and gets up out of bed. He goes to the kitchen and gets him a glass of milk, Naruto:" good morning Sasuke" Sasuke:" Sasuke: *pfffffffff* he spits out him milk. "Of naruto you scared me what are you doing up so early?" Naruto:" well the baby won't let me sleep past 3:00 so I have been up since then." Sasuke walks over to Naruto and he laid his head on Naruto's stomach listening to the baby. Naruto starts to smile. Naruto:" the baby is a real kicker let me tell you sometimes I think he is just using me a his punching bag." Sasuke:" what do you know what gender the baby is?" Naruto:" maybe I do maybe I don't I guess you will have to wait and see.*smiles* Sasuke:" that mean Naruto even for you. Naruto:" yah I know. Well i don't know about you but I want to go for a walk around town I could use the exercise." Sasuke:" are you sure that's a good idea you are pregnant and your stomach is not as small as it was so people might get suspicious." Naruto:" no not really since nobody was really seen me in a while they will just think that I got fat or something." Sasuke:" *sigh* okay but I am coming with you Naruto I don't want anything happening to you okay so let me get dressed first and then we will go *kisses Naruto*" Naruto:" okay I'm going to go and get my shoes on. Sasuke gets up and he takes a quick shower and gets ready then means Naruto at the door. Sasuke:" okay Naruto I'm ready to go are you?" Naruto:" yep I'm ready lets go" They head out and take a walk around town when Sakura sees them Sakura:" hey Naruto, Sasuke what up. Both Naruto and Sasuke turn around around and see Sakura. Both:" hello Sakura how are you?" Sakura:" hey Sasuke so what do you say about us having lunch tomorrow? Sasuke:" * looks at Naruto* uhh sure Sakura I can go to lunch with you. Sakura:" yes i can't wait see you tomorrow Sasuke * she smile then walks about without talking to Naruto*" Naruto:" well you made her happy Sasuke I think she "LIKES" you Sasuke-kun * he says teasingly* Sasuke pulls Naruto close to him and kisses him Sasuke:" yah well I love someone else so I guess she is out of luck. Come on yet keep walking" Naruto:" *uh eh mm* okay he says while blushing a little." they continue there walk and they run into Itachi. Itachi:" hey Sasuke, Naruto long time no see. What have you been doing?" Sasuke stays quite Naruto:" nothing much just been lazy and staying with Sasuke lately that's all." Itachi:" ohh i see you have also gained weight as well i think you need to start training again to get you back into shape." Naruto:" yah I know I will." Sasuke still just stands there saying nothing. Itachi looks at Sasuke Itachi:" well it was nice to see you Naruto, Sasuke I hope that we could talk again soon." Naruto:" yah um mmm." when are you free to talk me and Sasuke need to talk to you about something but not here though." Itachi:" well i am free next week so we can mean at my place and talk then." Naruto:" okay that will work for me see you then Itachi." Naruto and Sasuke both leave. Sasuke and Naruto walk in silence for a while both not really wanting to discuss what just happened. Naruto was about to say something but instead the baby kicks Naruto groans in pain Naruto:" ow ow ow" Sasuke turn toward Naruto Sasuke:" Naruto are you okay? what's wrong?" Naruto:" It's the baby he's kicking my back." he falls to the ground as the pain gets worse. Sasuke pick up Naruto and takes him back home to lie down and rest all the walking and talking must have made the baby uncomfortable and when we weren't talking the baby must have know that something was wrong. Sasuke and Naruto arrive at their house and Sasuke puts Naruto down on the couch. Naruto wails in pain as the pain in his back get worse. Naruto:" Sasuke help me please" Sasuke:" i'm here Naruto what do you want me to do?" Naruto:" I need you to rub my back it will hurt like a bitch but if you rub my back maybe the baby will stop kicking because he is being loved by his parents. Sasuke nods and gets up on the couch, Naruto lays his head in his lap and hold his hand as Sasuke rubs Naruto's back. Naruto tries to calm his breathing as he holds onto Sasuke's hand tightly. Sasuke continues to rub Naruto's back even when Naruto is in complete tears now. The pain slowly began to decrease but Naruto still held onto Sasuke's hand for dear life. It kind of soothed him holding Sasuke's hand, finally the pain stopped and Naruto fell fast asleep in Sasuke's lap. Naruto was still lying on Sasuke's lap so he could really move. Sasuke looked at the Naruto whose face was still red and swollen for all the crying, he wipes Naruto's face and then gets up slowly and heads out to talk to Lady Tsunade. Lady Tsunade:" come in Sasuke I know your there." Sasuke comes in Sasuke:" I need to talk to you about Naruto" Lady Tsunade:" okay what is it he everything alright with Naruto and the baby." Sasuke:" I'm not sure just a couple of hours ago Naruto was experiencing severe back pain to the point that it make his cry for 2 hours. Naruto said that the pain was worse than being stabbed. Lady Tsunade:" well what did you two do before the pain started?" Sasuke:" well we took a walk around town and we saw Sakura and Itachi and it happened shortly after we talking with him we both fell silent and I guess I was kind of upset and that's when he fell to the ground in pain. Lady Tsunade:" I see well babies even still in the womb can still sense when someone emotion and they often time reflect the feeling in this case your feeling so that is why Naruto experienced the back pain because your two's emotion were high and the baby sensed that so he got upset as well. Sasuke:" okay thank you Lady Tsunade." Lady Tsunade:" Sasuke I will need you to bring Naruto in for a check up to make sure that everything is good with Naruto and the babies health okay." Sasuke:" yes ma'am I will bring Naruto in at 8:00 am is that okay?" Lady Tsunade:" yes that is quite alright I will see you tomorrow then goodnight Sasuke." Sasuke leaves and head back to his house, Naruto was still on the couch so Sasuke decided to just change and sleep in the couch with Naruto. Naruto woke up for a minute and just as Sasuke sat on the couch he grabs Sasuke and lies on his chest. Sasuke:" are you okay now Naruto? I went and talked with Lady Tsunade and she said that the reason the you experienced the severe back pain was because the baby sensed out emotions and he acted accordingly." Naruto:" yah I'm fine now I'm just tired and at least the baby calmed down so maybe i can get 2-4 hours of sleep tonight." Naruto and Sasuke slowly falls asleep as they hold onto each other. Sasuke kisses Naruto goodnight as fells asleep Sasuke:" I love you Naruto" Naruto:" I love you to Sasuke" that night for the first time in months Naruto got 7 hours of sleep. In the morning Sasuke woke up and he Naruto was gone but then he heard the shower going Sasuke got up to go and join Naruto.  

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