Chapter Forty- Pool Party

Start from the beginning

"What kind of surprise?"

"You have to actually come to the house to see it."

"You better not have made any drastic changes to my crib." Michael's arms go over my shoulders pulling me into his chest.

"No it's an addition definitely, but I think you'll enjoy it. By the way Chadwick finally came by and got all of his things."

"Good now we can finally come home."

"This is my home."

"Why does she have to move in with you two knuckle heads again?" Justine crosses her arms over her chest.

"Because its a big house why not?"

"What if I want privacy."

"Are you throwing shade? At me next time okay?" Steelo rolls his eyes pulling himself into the water. "Ooo it's warm."

"Of course it is, I don't like cold pools."

"Back to the topic at hand. How wouldn't you have any privacy?" Michael questions.

"Hello look at this big dummy right here." I gesture to Sterling who looks offended.

"I'm back, sorry the shorty I'm talking to is tripping shit that I'm here right now." John walks over to the pool area looking down at us.

"A shorty, who are my friends right now? Is everyone in a relationship?" Justine frowns.

"Not me?" Steelo flashes a grin at Justine and she mugs him.

"We're not friends

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"We're not friends."

"Well damn. Michael why do you bring all these mean ass munchkins into our life?"

"We're getting besides the point." Michael grumbles.

"What point?" John asks sitting on the side of the pool dunking his feet in.

"Ryan claims that if she moves in with Steelo and I that we won't have any privacy."

"I could see how she thinks that." John nods agreeing with me.

"The house is so big you don't always have to see or hear Steelo." Michael tries to reason with me but I turn around and shake my head.

"But here I don't have to actually see, hear or worry about Steelo lurking around."

"Wow you're talking like I'm not right here."

"You're acting like you're not annoying when you're around. 'Ryan, Michael let's go play basketball. Michael let's go to the club. Ryan can you make me a sandwich?' It goes on."

"Is this how you really feel about us?" He puts a hand on his chest reaching out towards me. Michael slaps his hand away from me before he could actually touch me making me laugh.

"You two play too much." Jenna laughs at us.

"But yes Steelo you are annoying when I go to your house and you don't let me cuddle with Michael."

"You two always want to be touching."

"Because we are a couple."

"Yeah maybe you'd understand if you actually tried to date someone."

"I'm still young though."

"I'll move back home once you get a girlfriend."

"Deal!" Michael says before Steelo could agree. "We have to get you a girlfriend."

"Nigga what? No."

"What do you have to lose?" John questions.

"My singleness."

"If Steelo has to get a girlfriend Justine should have to get a boyfriend." Jenna suggests making me nod.

"I can do that." Justine agrees shrugging.

"Y'all are acting like relationships just happen." I smirk knowing that I won't be moving into Michael's house.

"With my help they will. Just wait we'll be back in my house in no time." Michael smirks flicking water at me.

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My mood right now because I have to clean up

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My mood right now because I have to clean up. I hate starting but once I get into the groove of cleaning it's not that bad. Anyway a small chapter for y'all to read pew pew. If y'all are looking for good Michael books to read go read any of Tiye28 and TyBoneSteak books I swear they're all amazinggggg catch y'all on the flip ❤️

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