Part Five

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Penny, Sarah, and Masami walked out of their afternoon sessions with Mr. Small, feeling less consoled and more disturbed from their school counselor's "counseling."

"That...was...weird," Penny said of the experience.

"He's like a different person today," Sarah reflected. "Not once did he ask me what I've been going through at school or home. He just rambled on about how our universe was like a bad fever dream."

"And what was with all that burping?" Masami inquired. "It was totally gross."

"Why, hello there, children!"

The girls heard Mr. Small talking to them, but his voice wasn't coming out of his office where they left him; it was coming across the hallway. When they saw Mr. Small approach them as if he was just arriving for work, the girls' sense of reality flew right out the window; their mouths gaping wide open.

Mr. Small chuckled at their reactions. "Why do you look so shocked to see me?"

Penny, Sarah, and Masami were too paralyzed with bewilderment to give him a direct response. The answer only came just as the other Mr. Small (the one who traumatized Masami, Penny, and Sarah) stepped out of his office with some type of beeping controller in hand.

This "Mr. Small" looked up from the beeping device to see the real Mr. Small standing in front of him. He pointed a finger right at his face and angrily said, "Your world's got some serious problems, man! You can *buurrrrp* keep this freaky @$$ dimension, 'cause as soon as I find that signal, I'm peacein' out of this b***h!"

 He pointed a finger right at his face and angrily said, "Your world's got some serious problems, man! You can *buurrrrp* keep this freaky @$$ dimension, 'cause as soon as I find that signal, I'm peacein' out of this b***h!"

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

The foul-mouthed, ill-mannered evil twin Mr. Small never knew that he had wandered off after his tirade, leaving the school counselor frozen in his own state of perplexity with Sarah, Masami, and Penny.


His cover now completely blown, Rick dropped his "Mr. Small" disguise and swapped it with another Elmore Junior High faculty member: Lucy Simian – a centuries-old monkey with dark grey fur and a homely primate face, wearing a pale brownish-buff polka-dotted dress. It was a less-than-ideal replacement disguise for Rick, but he made due with what he could work with on short notice.

As Miss Simian, he proceeded with finding the Overtakers' emitter without any interruptions from the other teachers or students (Simian wasn't exactly a "people person," which fit right in with Rick's core personality). He followed the detector, which led him up to the rooftop of the school.

There, he found a satellite dish.

It was much like the one that the Overtakers used before in their prime dimension.

"No originality whatsoever," Rick criticized in Simian's screeching voice, which made his criticism sound even more condescending.

Infinite DC: They Live...Again!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα