Wrong number - Virgil x Logan

Start from the beginning

Virgil - dude look up the definition of a joke
Virgil - and i dont have to be a animal
Virgil - im an alien
Virgil - its 2018 lemme be what i want to be

Logan - Joke: A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.

Virgil - jesus
Virgil - learn how to not take everything i say so literally

Logan - You can identify as an alien all you want. It does not mean your DNA is any less human.

Virgil - damn dude youre crushing human-aliens dreams

Logan - I apologise to all of them if I must.
Logan - Also, your "your and you're's" are getting there.

Virgil - thanks
Virgil - whyd you text me anyway?

Logan - Would it kill you to use apostrophes?

Virgil - dont avoid the auesrikn
Virgil - question*

Logan - How did you mess up that badly?

Virgil - it's 4am gimme a break

Logan - Give me*

Virgil - im waiting for the answer to my question

Logan - I needed a distraction, okay?

Virgil - from what?

Logan - I did not realise I would be interrogated tonight.

Virgil - dude its just a question jeez
Virgil - whatever if youre gonna be rude ill go

Logan - No, no Virgil I apologise. Do not leave.
Logan - Virgil? I didn't mean to offend you.
Logan - I'm sorry.

3rd June - 9:00am

Virgil - shit sorry i put down my phone and fucking passed out
Virgil - are you alright?

Logan - I am fine. I need to go before I am late for school.

Virgil - k
Virgil - bye

7th June - 2:34pm


Logan - Sorry, who is this?

Virgil - It is I, Roman!

Logan - Roman?

Virgil - ...Princey

Logan - Oh! You are this "Princey".

Virgil - Ooo~! Do you talk about me often??

Logan - He mentioned you once, and it was by mistake. He was meant to text you.

Virgil - Well that is disappointing

Logan - Why are you on Virgil's phone? And why are you texting me?

Virgil - I wanted to know who you were, of course! Your dear friend is currently with my loveable boyfriend, he needed to be calmed down after his panic attack

Logan - Panic attack? Is he okay?

Virgil - AWH! That is adorable
Virgil - and yes! He is quite alright! I would go into detail but it is not my place to say, I earned his trust and I shall not be losing it!
Virgil - although, I found it quite rude when he trusted you instantly, and trusted me a few months after we met!

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