Wrong number - Virgil x Logan

Start from the beginning

Virgil - thats what someone from a different era says

Logan - My word - I live in the Holocene Epoch, of the Quaternary Period, in the Cenozoic Era. The same as you. And everyone else.

Virgil - your like smart and shit
Virgil - how old are you?

Logan - I know I am.
Logan - I am sixteen.

Virgil - no fucking way lair

Logan - Well, first of all I think you mean liar* And you used the wrong "your" - you should have used "you're".
Logan - And I am sixteen, why would I lie?

Virgil - sorry grammar nazi
Virgil - because you could be a sixty year old pedo jacking off to images of my ass

Logan - I do not know how to respond to that. All I can say is trust me, I am sixteen. And I am not a Nazi.

Virgil - whatever old man

30th May - 3:15pm

Logan - Where are you?
Logan - Sorry, wrong person.

Virgil - the tables have turned

Logan - Indeed they have.

Virgil - whore you looking for

Logan - Do you mean who're?

Virgil - yah

Logan - I am awaiting my Mothers arrival.

Virgil - are you waiting for her to pick you up in a chariot to be taken back to your castle?

Logan - No, I am not. She owns a Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe. And we most certainly do not live in a castle. It would be absurd.

Virgil - so your rich then?

Logan - My family are, yes.

Virgil - you live in a mansion

Logan - I wouldn't say mansion. It is quite a big house, though.

Virgil - how many bathrooms

Logan - What?

Virgil - how many bathrooms does your "big house" have?

Logan - Six.

Virgil - dude you live in a mansion

Logan - Ah, she is here. I must leave. Goodbye, Virgil.
Logan - And I do not live in a mansion.

Virgil - by dude
Virgil - and yah you do

3rd June - 3:46am

Logan - Salutations, Virgil.

Virgil - uh hey?

Logan - I assumed you would be awake.

Virgil - im always awake
Virgil - i never sleep
Virgil - im not human

Logan - That would be impossible. If you stay awake for a certain amount of days you begin to hallucinate, become sick, and die. And if you were not "human" you are implying you are an animal, and animals do not have the intelligence to use a phone, let alone send text messages.

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