How it all started.

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I just thought I should clear a few things up before I start with the telling of my story.

Hello, my name is Catherine Green and I am a member of the Royal British Secret Service. I understand that 17 is quite...young for an agent but I am part of the youth program. A program that allows younger British citizens to explore their options and provide very discreet cover for the older agents as we are very...unexpected and extremely talented at what we do.

I am the leader of the 'A-team' which I named myself. See, in this line of work you have to have some fun, something to...distract yourself from the harsh reality and the bloodshed, I mean, we are the...Hero's who go after the baddies and only kill as a last resort...but at the end of the day, we are still only teenagers.

My team consists of 18 year old Sam who is the fastest agent in the whole program and the most talented hacker in the world with the code name 'The Flash'

18 year old Lee, second in command who is an extremely skilled martial artist/gymnast and can talk his way out of anything with the code name 'Spider-man'

19 year old Mat who is the muscle of our team and can fly absolutely anything, with the code name 'The Hulk'

Then you have me, team leader who works with a highly modified bow and arrow set, expert marksman and excellent knife thrower with the code name 'Black Hawk' (cross between Black Widow and Hawk Eye)

We all have advanced combat training and we all have our individual strengths. That's what makes us a great team...we use our...talents and skills together...we think alike. If you couldn't see us, you'd think we were all the same person...I mean, we are practically family.

Truth be told, my team is the best their is, that is why we got this mission... The mission that would change my life...forever.

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