When we pull up to the school, the parking lot is crowded with students and there are probably more in the school. Students move out the way as Issac parks his car in his usual spot. 

Issac takes his mcgriddle from me and continues eating it. I turn around to Zoe who is busy flipping through her fashion week catalog magazine. 

"Hey Zo?" She doesn't answer me.

"Zo?" No answer.

"Hey Betsey Johnson!" I yell and it snaps her out of her thoughts.


"Time to go. Pack up your trash." I say to her and she starts packing up. I turn back around and when Issac isn't looking, I slip the 20 dollars into his jacket pocket. 5 minutes later, we are out the car and walking into the school. Issac and I walk off to our locker and Zoe goes to her own. 

I open up my locker and stuff in my stuff and take out my books. Starting tomorrow, I will have a lot of work to do. In 1 week, it will be Issac's birthday. He always told me he never does anything for it besides have a drink with his friends, but I want to have a small gathering with his close friends. I already calculated the chance of Victoria being here and in reality, she may come and I hate that. 

I already ordered the cake. I had a specially designed cake for Issac and it is the cutest thing ever. I need to compile all the other parts of his birthday celebration, which I think will bring the great Issac Evans to tears, but we will see. 

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Issac asks and pokes the side of my head. I snap out my thoughts and give him a small smile.

"Ways to beat a lacrosse player in a race."

"You, beat me?" He starts laughing hysterically in the hallway.

"You have a weakness Issac Evans and I will find it and beat you in that race. Mark my words." I promise him and close my locker with my books in hand.

"Good luck with that Bay."

"Thank you for supporting me destroying you." I say with a smirk. The bell rings and students hurry off to class.

"Until we meet again." I recite to Issac and walk off. 


"Armani, I need you to buy me some booze."

"Bay Stewart is asking me for booze. I'll be damned." he says and kicks his feet up on the table.

"It's for his party. And I know you. If you invite anyone that is not in the inner circle and by inner circle I mean Asher and you will of course bring your girlfriend who will bring her friends, I will kill you with your eyeball cords as a choker."

"Kinky." he says with a devilish smirk on his face. 

Jesus Christ.

"You can't tell Issac about this. It's meant to be a surprise. And I know you have connections. All we need is beer, champagne, and tequila none of which I will drink."

"Why not, lightweight?" He asks mischievously.

I exhale frustratingly. This is what I have to go through.

"Buy me booze or I kill you. Simple. You have 1 week. The party will be at my house. That day my mom will be gone on a business trip overseas and my brother will be away for a school trip. Get it done and Issac can not know! Capisce?"

"Alright." He says.

I get up from the lunch table I was sat at with Armani and walk back to my lunch table with Zoe.

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