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Here's the problem. Keith hates everyone around him, and the Galaxy Garrison was supposed to be his way of finding new people that— hopefully— weren't as terrible as those he's spent the past seven years with.
However, he wasn't the only one from his school who got accepted. Ina Leifsdottir got accepted too, but that's not too bad. The real issue is that not only did James Griffin get accepted, but the two are in the same class.
What great luck.
Within the first three weeks, he and Keith already had many altercations in which the two exchanged multitudes of colorful language. Somehow, be it luck or maturity, neither ended up getting physically hurt.
Until last week.
Griffin and Keith have always been at each other's throats, but this, this was something else.

Keith was already done with Griffin's snarky comments and privileged attitude, so when he was confronted on his actions in the simulator, his response had a quite reasonable explanation. "I can outfly every one in this room!" He countered, both boys knowing he was correct.
James, standing to his right, raised an eyebrow at the other Cadet's comment. "Oh yeah?!" He challenge. "Is that what mommy and daddy told you?!"
There must have been only a split second between Griffin's unnecessary words and Keith's reaction. The boy didn't think. He never did. His instincts and poor temperament kicked in immediately. In the blink of an eye, Keith had slammed a clenched fist into the other boy's cheek. It hurt both of them, but Keith didn't stop.
Caught off guard, and more than a little surprised, Griffin lay there on the floor. What was he supposed to do? Could he really do anything?!
Keith moved for another unplanned attack, quickly and forcefully holding James to the floor as he pulled his fist back up towards he face to land another blow.
James' actions weren't cowardly, if anything it was the smart thing to do. He tried shoving the boy off of him but instead earned himself another punch to the face.
Neither boy was really thinking at this moment, even Griffin, the perfect child, was acting on instincts now.
Griffin decided to counter the attacks coming to his face and landed a strong blow to Keith's lower jaw before the two were ripped apart.
"Break it up!" Iverson had yelled multiple times before grabbing Keith's arms and yanking him backwards. The child didn't weigh all that much, so it should have been easy.
Keith however, was nowhere near done with his actions. He struggled continuously, nearly hurting his commanders in the process.
Finally, the commotion died down and the boys were escorted by Iverson and Shiro to the principal's office.
"Look... I know I messed up...!" Keith confessed to Shiro after the officer had come out of the office specifically to talk to Keith. "You should just send me back to The Home already..." he paused for only a moment, "this place isn't for me."
"Keith," Shiro's voice was calm and collected. Even comforting. "I am never going to give up on you." He promised. "But more importantly, you can't give up on yourself."
For a second, Keith's eyes lit up with some sort Of happiness, but it faded faster than it appeared. "You Don't even know me...!" He snapped, a scowl on his face.
"You're right, I don't." The Officer admitted. "But sometimes, all we need is a hand..." he slowly extended his hand to Keith, hoping the boy would change his mind, that he'd take his hand, that he wouldn't give up.


Something definitely changed in Keith that day. Something that can't be explained in words. Even if explained, it would be an understatement. But let's just say that his world got a little brighter. For the first time in seven years, he had someone he knew he could count on. Someone who wouldn't leave him. Someone who would never give up on him.
Unfortunately, the happiness was only available outside of class, for his classmates all hated him. James Griffin continuously went at Keith's throat, trying desperately to get the kid expelled.
Not to mention, this weirdo, Lance McClain. He was a terrible pilot, but always claimed to be the best. How did he even get here? The only person in their class who had worse scores than him, was Hunk Garret, who won't shut up about changing to the engineering course.
The others, well, they were tolerable.
Regardless of what Griffin or McClain said, Keith was the best pilot in their year. Not one of the teachers, officers or commanders could deny that. He was the best, and if it weren't for his awful temper, he would be the favorite.
That spot still belongs to James Griffin, second best pilot in their year, but at least he has a good attitude.
Sure, he might not have any companions in class, but he has Shiro.
Since his altercation with James, Keith has grown somewhat close to Shiro. He learned some personal information of the officer's time as a cadet.
Keith was even told the names, both first and last, of Takashi Shirogane's flight team.
Turns out, that famous Matthew Holt, who went to Keith's middle school, was Shiro's Communications Specialist and engineer.
But the most interesting person was definitely Adam. He wasn't just Shiro's copilot. He was the best pilot in the Garrison, second only to Shiro. Plus, from what Keith had heard, he believed the two to be more than teammates. He knew they were. Shiro had made a slight mistake by divulging too much information on his relationship with his former crew to Keith. It wasn't stated specifically, but Keith just knew.
   Actually, both Adam and Matthew seemed to be like family to Shiro. One more than the other. Although, it was odd how he spoke so kindly of his former flight crew, yet never once mentioned his parents, siblings, or any sort of family in general.
   Keith was told by Shiro that his own flight crew would become like family to him. However, that was just another way of saying 'respect your teammates'. To him, family is blood relation. It's not just some good friend. Family can only be blood relatives, not friends and definitely not teammates.

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