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"Jungkook!" The maid calls from outside the Prince's room. Jungkook sprints to the door to see the maid holding a letter, but the thing that triggered Jungkook's danger senses was that he never got the mail, his father or another maid would open it to make sure it wasn't poisoned or danger. Jungkook noticed it had been read so he calmed down a bit.

"Come in." Jungkook offers the maid and she follows him in. He has a beautiful room, a huge, comfy bed and a closet full of white and black t-shirts to go out in to blend in with all the others. He had different, formal, suits that he would wear to meet other kings and queens. Even princes, but wasn't allowed around the princesses, for a reason he never knew.

The only way he would be able to be around a princesses was if it were to have a talk about things that need to change in the area with the entire throne family, or if he was to visit the family and had to speak about whatever they needed, and last but not least, marriage. Jungkook knew he would have to marry soon, but he wished that day would never come. He wanted to be independent, lonely is his way of describing it.

The maid sat down on the corner of Jungkook's bed as he has requested, and sat down beside her. Jungkook looked nervous for a odd reason. He opened the note and his heart was beating faster than ever before.

"What does it say?" The maid asked.

"Sokyun... I am being elected for k-king..." Jungkook stuttered.

The maid was so surprised to hear that he finally said her name after the 16 years she has been in that castle with him. He was never allowed to even speak to the maids other than giving them orders.

"If I win, I will make sure to save all the maids and servants in the 2 nations, and that's my promise," Jungkook smiled. "I will make sure you guys never take orders from anyone other than yourselves. I will make sure you are happy again. Even if that is the last thing I do."

Sokyun smiled and thought to herself.

He could make me happy again? Jungkook... Don't waste your time on me... I just want you to lo-

"Jungkook!" The king yelled from the hallway.

"Hide, Sokyun!" Sokyun crawled under the bed and hid behind some boxes, but that's when she saw the letter on the ground.

She reached for the letter but wasn't able to in time. The door had already opened. Sokyun was relieved when he kicked the letter under the bed before the door completely opened. She sighed quietly and reached for it so she could move it out of the way.

"How about I let you take someone out for dinner tonight? I have made arrangements for you to take a special person of your pick, and the Kings of Busan and Daegu agreed to let there sons come with you too, I asked the King of Gwangju if his son could go but he hasn't answered back, so hurry and find someone!" King Jeon said and exited the room.

The door slammed shut and Sokyun crawled back from under the bed. She stood up and turned her back to Jungkook to show her excitement and hopefulness that he would take her with him. She turned back and sat beside him on the bed.

"So, who do you plan on taking with you?" Sokyun asked without making it obvious she wanted to go.

"I honestly don't even want to go, even though I'm best friends with King Kim's son but I just don't know..." Jungkook sighed and put his hands on his face. "Wait..."

Sokyun looked back at him as he thought for a bit.

"How about you come with me? I'll make sure you don't look like a servant or maid of my dad's so you can go out with me!" He smiled and ran straight to his closet. "My mother gave me a special dress of hers before she passed so you should wear it! My dad never saw it on her since she kept it secret for special occasions when she was Princess of Seoul."

7 Princes| Book 1: FightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora