Chapter 8: Battle for SLOWPOKE Well Part 2

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Proton sent out Koffing and a Zubat. Dakota and Kelsey are double teaming on the Executive.

"I'll take Zubat." Dakota said.

"Ok, Koffing is mine." Kelsey said with determination.

"You brats are in for it!" Proton exclaimed. "Koffing, use Smokescreen! Zubat, use Leech Life towards Cyndaquil!"

The Koffing blew out smoke from its spores and neither Cyndaquil nor Fennekin could see anything. A needle contacted at Cyndaquil's side, but nothing much happen.

"Cyndaquil is a Fire-Type, Bug-Type moves don't work on him," Dakota said. "Use Ember towards Zubat if you can!"

"Fennekin, use Ember towards Koffing!" Kelsey commanded.

Cyndaquil and Fennekin shot fire from their mouths towards their targets in the smoke. There was a thud is the smoke. The smoke finally cleared up and Zubat was defeated. One more Pokemon was left.

"Koffing, use Assurance towards Fennekin!" Proton ordered.

Koffing floated towards Fennekin and spun with speed that done damage. "Fennekin, use Ember!" Kelsey commanded.

The Fox Pokemon shot fire directly at Koffing causing it to fall defeated. Proton was shocked at what just happened. "Well, that was unexpected."

"Now leave before we attack you!" Kelsey yelled.

Proton had a smirk on his face. "You brats are tough, but tough against our whole team."

Dakota stepped forward, "We will defeat all of you." he said with a stern look.

"Alright I'm leaving." he walk out to the ladder to climb up before he stops to say more, "Next time I'll win." Then he was gone.


It was dark and everyone was asleep. Dakota and Cyndaquil put down sleeping bags on the ground and got them ready for sleep while Kelsey and Fennekin looked for food to eat. She got back to their campsite and brought Oran berries for the Pokemon and fruit for her and Dakota.

"Tomorrow you're going to fight your second Gym, right?" Kelsey asked.

"Yeah." Dakota replied. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She said.

"Did you get your Fennekin as a starter like me?" The red haired boy asked.

"No, actually, Fennekin has been with me since I was five, I've just never battled before until today." She answers.

"Oh," Dakota said. He yawns as he lays down to sleep. "Well we better get rest."

"Yeah you're probably right." Kelsey said.

After everyone said their good nights they all fell asleep.

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