He chuckles before leading me to a room. "Here is an unused room that you can use."

I look into it and sigh at the boring grey walls before getting an idea. "Do we have any paint?"

He looks at me before chuckling, leading me to where there are several cans of paint. I look at him.

"Why do we have a room just filled with paint?", I ask.

"Bumblebee was a young child when we came here. Ratchet was having trouble with him until he found that Bumblebee loves to paint", Optimus explains.

I laugh before finding several different colors of paint. I grabbed blue, white, red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, and brown paint. I had stacked them on top of each other before realizing I would need help getting the paint to my room. I looked at Optimus, who managed to grab four cans of paint, two in each servo. I grabbed the other four and we made our way back to my room. We set the paint down and I shoo him out of my room.

I dip my hand in the blue paint before spreading it across the wall. I use my other hand to get some white paint to make small waves on the blue. I then grab yellow and make a sun and then orange, red, a mix of red and pink and then pink, then purple. I then mix the brown with some white and I got a light brown color which I use for dirt or sand. I grin and quickly finish my painting before looking down at my armor. I was covered in paint. There's a knock on the door and Optimus looks in. He was surprised at my walls before he looks at me.

He laughs quietly before helping me clean up.

"You are very good at painting", he says as we bring the paint back to the room with all the paint.

"Thanks. Though I would like to wash all the paint off my armor", I say. He leads me to a place where I can quickly wash.

"I'll be in the main room if you need me", he says before leaving. I quickly wash off the paint, smiling at my beautiful red and orange armor. I smile before going to the main room. Optimus was talking to Arcee. I watch them for a while before noticing that Arcee was getting closer and closer to him. I growl softly before walking out into the main room. Optimus was looking angry and I walk over.

"Hey, Arcee, what are you up to?", I say nonchalantly. She looks at me.

"Talking to Optimus", she says.

"About what?", I ask, trying to act like I didn't care.

"Nothing important", she says.

"Then you won't mind if I steal Optimus for a bit, will you?", I say with a smile.

Arcee growls before stalking away. I sigh softly.

"So, what was she talking about", I ask Optimus as I turn to him.

He sighs before grabbing my servo and leading me to his room.

"She was talking about you... she didn't give me a chance to defend you, she just kept talking over me every time I tried to talk", he says softly.

"What did she say about me?", I ask quietly.

"Nothing I care to repeat", he says.

"That bad, huh?", I ask before sitting on Optimus berth. He sits next to me.

"Yeah", he sighs. I grab his servo, making him look at me.

"Hey, don't let it bother you", I say with a smile. "She'll get over it eventually."

Optimus smiles before wrapping his arm around me. I look up at him before leaning against his chest, listening to his sparkbeat. I smile happily before looking at the time and I realize the date. I grin before grabbing Optimus and pulling him to his pedes. He looks at me in surprise and I grin.

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