Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty

Start from the beginning

"Who's there?" She inquires, not expecting one of her old friends to speak to her.

"Traitor, where's the bird? The boss is sick, and he's too damn stubborn to come here himself." The older cat was unbothered by the word 'traitor', for that's indeed what she is now, at least in Lorenzo's mind. She cares deeply for that boy, but he hates the idea of change or relying on anyone human. She was not surprised to hear this.

"I'll get her, don't worry." Ginger yowls loudly while running into the kitchen, where Y/N sat at the table, working on her laptop while sipping on a mug of hot chocolate. She lifts a brow at the cat as she skids across the floor to reach her before rubbing vigorously against her legs.

"What are you doing, silly?" She asks aloud while giggling and reaching down to pet the kitty. Ginger mewls before chomping down on the woman's pant leg and tugging with all her might. "Ginger, what the hell?" Obviously, she was trying to take her somewhere, so Y/N decides to take a break to figure out what she wants.

At first, she wondered if the cat was just hungry, but was confused when she was brought to the front door. After letting go of her clothes, Ginger gets on her hind legs and stretches towards the doorknob to paw at it. Having a lack of thumbs was frustrating to her. Unsure, the human opens the door for her and was taken off guard when she found another cat on her doorstep. The both of them meow at her repeatedly, causing her to raise her hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay, just a second." She sighs and fetches her coat and boots before putting them on, figuring this must have something to do with Lorenzo. Why else would a cat be at her door? As soon as she was ready, Ginger bolted out into the snow with the longhaired cat, causing Y/N to call out to her. "Hey, wait a minute!"

She doesn't stop to lock the door after shutting it and runs after them, not wanting to lose track of the two. Y/N was careful to watch her step, not wanting to slip on any ice, which she nearly did twice. Soon enough, they turn in to an alley and stop there, causing the woman to skid to a stop. The animals meow at a dumpster, or rather, at what was hiding beside it. Walking at a hesitant pace, Y/N comes closer and jumps upon hearing an intense sneeze.

The sound repeats four times in a row, each one sounding strong, almost painful. There, she saw Lorenzo shivering in the snow covered by cats with his face buried in the scarf she had purchased for him and eyes shut tight. "Lorenzo?" She calls his name softly in concern, weary of the many cats. Her voice made his eyes snap open, and immediately, he tensed up in surprise, for he hadn't sensed her. "You could've dropped by, you know?"

"I don't need your help," he retorts in a hoarse voice, throat sore from coughing. This makes Y/N shake her head.

"Come on, you can't be this stubborn. It's freezing out here, and clearly, you're sick." She offers her hand to help him only to have it slapped away. Lorenzo stands on his own and glares at the bird as the cats that were on him scatter and watch from the shadows. They weren't certain if the woman would convince him, but they had hope.

"I said I don't need your help, you stupid bir—" He croaks and coughs into his fist roughly before wheezing. Everything around him appeared to be spinning from getting up so quickly. Y/N sighs, feeling sorry for the stubborn man, but her E/C eyes soon fix into a glare, knowing that acting all soft wouldn't get through that thick skull of his.

"What the hell is your problem?! I'm just trying to help!"

"I don't want your help! Leave me alone, human!" Lorenzo grumbles curses at the woman under his breath while walking past her and hiding his face in his scarf. She wasn't through yet, however.

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