Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

_______________________________Author's POV:_______________________________

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"Ah-choo!" The sound of Lorenzo's sneeze echoed through the alleyway as his body jerked forward and his tail frizzed. Growling softly, he shakes his head and sniffles before leaning back against the brick building behind him while staring up at the dreary, grey sky. Feeling a small leak, he wipes his nose with the sleeve of his new coat, then rubs his arms to keep warm, each breath becoming visible in the air. Soft head's rub against him, purring loudly as sharp claws kneed at his pants. The cat-man pays no mind to the felines blanketing his lap, though he was thankful for their attempts at keeping him warm. All the cats were worried for him, knowing he had gotten sick from this awful weather. They had begged him to go to Y/N to keep warm in her home until he was well again, but each time he denied them.

"Boss, you really don't look so good. You should see if the bird will cook you somethin' warm," Jezebel, a British longhair, suggests while pawing at the man's stomach, which growled at the mere mention of food. His mouth had even salivated, but still, he shook his head.

"Not a chance. I've lived this long without the help of humans. I don't need her. It's just a stupid cold. I get them all the time," he huffs, tail twitching from side-to-side, sweeping through the snow on the ground, which sent a chill through him. He was starting to get annoyed by their persistence. If the cat could frown, she would.

"I thought the whole purpose of the bird was to mooch off her?" Sen, a raggedy, Siamese cat, questions. He did not understand his leader's intentions. Why suffer if there was someone to help you?

"It is, but I don't need her help. I'm not weak. I can survive just fine on my own. I'm not gonna be her little house pet," he hisses, still salty about her giving him a bath on his last visit. The animals fall silent, exchanging looks before deciding to drop it.

His hatred of humans is too strong to convince him to go, even if it would benefit his health. Jezebel, however, was not quite ready to give in just yet. She gets up and walks off, her spot getting filled up by the others, who want to keep Lorenzo warm. No one called after her or asked where she was going. It wasn't their business anyways.

They were more concerned with their sick friend's health. He had always helped them during tough times, so they'd gladly return the favor. It didn't take much time for the longhair to find the house Lorenzo had taken them to before the snowfall, and she scratches loudly at the door to gain the attention of the woman inside. Ginger's ear twitched upon hearing the noise and quickly lifted her head before leaping off the couch. Curiously, she approaches the door and meows softly to the person on the other side.

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