Ch. 16 A Recruit

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Did I hear wrong?

Tierra looked at the girl, then around her. She turned back and pointed at herself. "Me...?"

"I saw your skills... please let me serve you!" The beggar said with determination.

Still puzzled, it took Tierra a minute to process what happened, until she snapped back Into her reality.

"Uh, ahaha.... sorry I don't like to take servants...."

"I promise I am not really filthy! Although I am on the streets, I can work really well!" The girl retorted.

"Woah woah, slow down, I didn't say you were filt-"

"Then, please take me as your slave!"


Tierra rubbed her temple with one hand as she waved the other. She felt a headache starting to set in.

"Wait!! Just hold on a second please.... I meant I don't like to take servants because i dont think the treatment is right...."

"Then... you wont?" She gave Tierra sad teary eyes, as she was still sitting on the floor with her tattered clothes and body.


Who is actually the older one here???

"I won't...."

The girl looked down dejectedly.

"But-" Tierra began. The beggar looked up quickly with hopeful eyes.

"But I can take a recruit and female friend," Tierra smiled, as she held out her hand for her to take.

"What's your name?" She asked as she grabbed Tierra's hand, and started crying.

"My name's Tierra Ferric, you?" Tierra took out handkerchief and wiped her tears away.

"Uwu... m-my name' names.. uh..." Tierra found something wrong as the girl started looking lost in a daze while muttering 'my name is....'

"Do you.. not know your name?"

"I can't remember... it's like Its not there."

"Then from this day on, I will give you a name, that name shall be Shelby." Tierra gave a smirk of approval at her name giving, while Shelby looked at her with gratitude.

Tierra scanned Shelby's constitution, "let's get you cleaned, fixed up, and out of here." They noticed that the rich man was now gone, but there was a small trail of blood leading away.

Tierra helped Shebly walk all the way back to her family's estate, slowly as to not make any impact on her injuries.

"Master, are you also rich? What's your family's social status? Is your family nice? Do they tr-"

Tierra stopped her from her rapid fire questions. "One at a time please, and what's with 'Master'?"

Once Shelby was satisfied with all her questions answered, they finally arrived at Tierra's family residence. But when Shelby was about to take another step, still holding onto her master for support, Tierra suddenly stiffened. She quickly pulled Shelby out of view, and shushed her.

"I forgot I snuck out today, so we have to sneak back in or else i'd be in deep trouble..." Tierra said with a groan as she facepalmed. Shelby answered with an empty sounding 'Oh..'

When she carefully and quietly got Shelby over, she also climbed down, but suddenly heard Shelby.

"Mmm..Mpp... Master...." She whispered to Tierra while nudging her. Tierra quickly turned around from the wall, only to see Levi and Gean pointing at the them, while one's mouth was in the shape of an 'O', the latter was glaring at her.

Tierra answered with an 'Ah...'

"Wah! Hello Brobro, Lil'G, what are you guys doing.... here...Ehehe.."Tierra awkwardly but casually said.

"Tierra, what is the meaning of this? What were you doing outside with no one to watch over you, and who is this? You can't just bring random people you see from the streets home, especially not guys!" Levi scolded.

Tierra put and a cute act and pouted, "I never get to go out, so I left secretly, nothing happened anyways. And this is a girl, not a boy! She is a new recru-, maid i mean, that i bought...."

"That's besides the point, I'm going to tell father," Levi said clearly still upset.

"You should've at least told me to come with yo-" Levi whispered but was cut off by the end.

"Me Too!"A voice yelled. Everyone snapped their heads to the location of the voice. The prince had a fake unhappy expression on his face.

Tierra grumbled unhappily, "You're still here too?"

"It's not that bad, to at least admit that you miss me! I'm all yours to begin with." Xander said proudly. On the sidelines, Gean and Shelby felt like they were invisible, and being ignored. Gean began to sulk, while Shelby just stayed quiet beside her master. Tierra ignored Xander, and suddenly brought out two tarts and gave one to Gean and Levi, "I didn't forget about you guys! You guys just probably wouldn't let me go."

"And your probably right," Levi said seemingly angry, but happily bit on his tart. Gean walked up and clung on her clothes, while he silently ate, as his eyes shined.

"Wai-, bu-, wher-, wheres mine?!?!" the prince shouted in disbelief. "You couldn't have forgotten about me right? No one dares to do that!" Tierra just sighed, "I guess i didn't have enough money on me" 

"See! I told you she couldn't have forgotten about me, it was because she didn't have enough on her. Here I'll give you some coins, so next time you'll have enough to buy one for me too." Xander nodded at his 'brilliant' thinking. Xander quickly have Tierra three gold coins. Tierra rolled her eyes, clearly having a headache with this prince, but accepted the money cause she was basically poor. Suddenly she then remembered Shelby,

"Ah! We should treat your injuries, stay here I'll be right back." With that Tierra scurried away, and came back with her medicine kit. All the boys just followed Levi, who was probably going to have a talk with his father, and left Shelby waiting alone until Tierra came back. Once she got everything gauzed up and clean, she exhaled a sigh of relief. After Shelby took a bath, and scrubbed all the dirt off her face, she was actually a real beauty. She had smooth skin, and her hair was black and flowed down like a waterfall.

"Many thanks to master! I will remember this for the rest of my life." Shelby thanked.

"No worries, but can you stop with the whole master thing?"

"No, you are my master, therefore i have to address you correctly." She said righteously.

"Hahh... Whatever you think is fine, fine, but I have plans for you, and not as a maid... your going to be my spy." Tierra looked at her seriously, she needed to quickly build her own little sect in order to actually get things done, if things happen like the book says. Shelby looked at her master questioningly, but with a determined gaze.

"Although you don't have any magic, I'm going to teach you self defense, and how to use weapons." Shelby's eyes shined when she heard these words, she was finally going to have a role in this world. Ever since she couldn't remember anything, she was on the streets, always looking for ways to survive.

"Please use me as you wish!" She said tearfully.


Here's another boring one for ya, I just wanted to show you guys how she gets her trusted aid. Anyways as always if you enjoyed please vote, comment, and share!


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