Ch. 13 We're Back!

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"I can tell when your lying... haaah.. let's just go," Levi said. Waaah! Is she really that bad at lying?!

She held out a hand for Levi to grab onto, so she could haul him onto the horse that she was sitting on.

He blushed slightly and took her hand, Tierra pulled him up and sat him in front of her, letting him guide the horse. Haaahhh... sorry horsie, there's gonna be a load of three people on you today.

What happened to the guards you ask? Ahaha... well they died. And... Levi is such a lier, he said friend[s] as in plural, but there's only this spoilt prince.

Tierra looked back to the prince.

"Hurry, let's go," she commanded.

"Tierra, have some manners," Levi said as he sighed.

"Well I'm his savior, am I not?" She smirked at the thought. Wait.... does that mean she'll get more attention?

"Oi, prince, don't tell this to anyone," she said with an evil smile.

The normal crown Prince returned, and he smiled again. No sense of fear anymore, as the danger was now gone.

"Then, dear savior, would you like a reward?" He replied, and smiled a sly smirk to her direction.

Ahhh.... he's back. That's good I guess.

"Nahhh, just hurry and get on." She said and rolled her eyes. Tierra then looked down at her hand that was still holding onto the bloodied dagger.

"Ah! I almost forgot! It's not nice to spy on people, you know~~?" She said mischeviously with a glint in her eye.

Tierra swiftly turned her body and threw the dagger towards the prince's direction.

"Duck!" She demanded him. He quickly obliged and ducked, his hands over his head as he crouched. The dagger made its way past the prince, and a FLUMP was heard followed by a groan.

Prince Xander stood back up shocked and looked behind him. There lied a man that was behind a tree, now on the ground panting in pain.

Tierra hopped off the black stallion again, and walked up to the black clothed man. She crouched down and lifted his chin up with one finger.

"Who do you work for?" She said threateningly.

"W-we never t-tell....AGHH!!" Tierra pulled out the dagger from his shoulder.

She held it to his neck.

"Be a good boy...." she said with a dazzling smile that did not reach her eyes.

He kept his mouth shut. Haaah... seems like he's not going to spill the beans. She quickly stabbed his chest, and he started throwing up blood, as she left the dagger there.

"Then your of no use to me," she said evilly finishing her work.

"Lets go back home, or we'll attract more flies coming for the prince." She said carelessly, while waving her hands.

They stood there amazed, and no fear eminent in their eyes.

Tierra walked back to the horse and pet his head. Then went to the side of him, and looked up.

Darn~ the prince already got on the horse before her..... now she has to sit behind him..

"Uh... can I sit behind Levi, and be in the middle?" She asked with an empty smile.

He smiled a dazzling smile back at her.

"You should be fine, sitting behind me, no~?" He said innocently.

Darn, this guy! He held out his hand for her to grab. She slapped it away, and placed her hands on the stallion and jumped onto the back of the horse.

I'm so...tired..... awwwwhhhhh, she yawned.

Levi and the prince both said,

"If your tired, you can sleep, it's going to take a while." And the two stared at each other for a while, their smiles getting wider and wider, but the atmosphere was getting more suffocating some reason.

She gave them a Mmm, but looked around them. The sun's starting to set...

"Just this once, let me borrow your back for a while, as payback for being your savior," Tierra said as she leaned her head on his back and closed her eyes. A sweet scent drifted into her nose, and she quickly snoozed off to dreamland. She felt someone lift her arms, and two people bickering, but soon the sound drowned out, and a blissful sleep it was.... about sweets. When she opened her eyes there was a night sky, she lifted herself off the prince's back and looked around.

"Ah, your awake? It's only been about forty-five minutes." The prince said.

"Yeah...." Once she looked at his back, she looked down. Her arms were around the prince's waist, and he was holding onto her hands tight around him!

"Um... What are you doing?" She asked, too tired to deal with this.

"I didn't want you flying off the horse, when you were sleeping," he replied with a shrug.

"Uh.. thanks? You can let go now..." she said awkwardly, her face was starting to grow warm.

"No thank you," he said bluntly. Haaaaah......

"Were almost home, hold on." Levi said, as they started to go faster. Wah!! This small body really would fly off! She quickly leaned in and tightened her arms around Xander's waist.

"Pardon me!" She said. The prince smirked, and let out a chuckle. Levi's face started twitching for some reason, is he okay?

AH! Home!

A guard that was outside started yelling in the middle of the night.

"Young masters!" He kept shouting.

Um what about your mistress huh??

He hastily opened the gates, and they entered. Once Tierra got off, her back started to ache.

"Ahhhhh! My backkkk, so sore...." she groaned. The other two were doing the same, and they all stretched themselves, to get better.

Levi and Tierra were enveloped in warm hugs from their mother, father, and Gean.

"Your home!" They yelled.

Tierra smiled,

"We're... home..."

Once they all let go of the hug Levi started talking about how they got 'lost' and stuff.

Haaah.... When did you get so good at lying, while im terrible at it...?

She left Levi to it, and glanced at the prince.

"Gonna go home?" She asked.

"Yeah, um..." he mumbled.

"You should stay for tonight, it's dark and dangerous, wait till morning. I'll have mother and father send a letter to the king about it." Tierra suggested.

"Mm, I appreciate it, by the way.... thnk yu.." he drowned out at the end.

"Huh?? What did you say?" She asked pretending she didn't hear what he was trying to say.

"I said thanks!" He yelled and turned red, before he stomped off to Levi.

Ahaha..... I saved you only because it was for Levi you know...

Well, it's been a long day.


Xander: Hmph! Making me say it a second time? I might have to check her hearing once we marry. Once we marry? Hmhmhmhm...

Yada yada the prince started daydreaming of his marriage date.


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