Samantha is an inch smaller than Cassandra. She has fake blonde hair which is curled. She has tan skin and baby blue eyes. She has a slim body like Cassandra. Perfect face features maybe surgery was included.

Some of you may think I’m jealous of this witches but I’m not I care less what people think of me.

“Where are you going Rose?” Cassandra said with her annoying high voice

“None of your business” I snap and walked away

I can’t deal with this people today. Mary Jane and I walked to our other friend Justin.

We sat on a bench next to a big old oak tree.

“Hey babe” Justin said Mary Jane giving her a peek in the lips

Justin has a British accent. He has white skin with brown chocolate hair which a few strands of hair following on his face his tall and has a perfect body shape. His brown eyes sparkle once he sees his girl.

They have been going out for almost a year. Sweet couple I can say.

“Hey” she said back to him and sat next to him.

“Hey Rose” he said with his accent

“Hi” I replied not looking at him

We stayed quiet for a while before I spoke.

“I’m going to my locker before class starts” I said getting up from the bench.

“Alright will go with you” Mary Jane replied

We walked together to my locker. They went to their locker which was across from mine.

As I got my English notebook and book I closed my locker just to see Samantha and Cassandra standing there with a bucket.

“What?” I asked them

“Oh noting we just think you some color in your life you’re all dress in dark clothes” Samantha said with a devilish smirk

Before I can question her on what she meant. She threw the bucket on me. I was covered in red and yellow paint.

“There don’t you better” she said with a evil laugh

“Bitch” she whispered to me and bumps me to the lockers and left laughing along with the students.

“OMG Rose what happen?” Mary Jane asked in shocked

“Clearly I got dump with paint” I said whipping the paint of my face with my sweater sleeve

“Here” someone said holding a towel to me

I look up to see Ethan my ex-boyfriend. Ethan Martin the star captain in the basketball team, most popular guy in school, the smartest guy in school, and every girl wishes to be with him.

And how did he become my ex-boyfriend?

Well it happen Junior Year long story short. He thought I was different from every girl. He won my heart I loved him he said he loved me back. But one night I discovered it was a lie.

Yes I was cheated by this jerk. One party I wasn’t invited he went and sleep with a girl and that girl just happened to be Samantha McMahon.

Yeah he did try to get me back I was devastated to see the pictures of him with another girl in bed. But now I try to avoid him but it’s hard when you have mostly every class with him and sits close by.

“Thanks” I mumbled and grab the towel

I cleaned myself in the girls’ bathroom. Once I looked presentable who I’m I kidding I look awful.

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