Hello Again

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As I woke up I see that they took me in. I try to stand but I am weak and I cant.

"Oh my god. Peter? Your okay. I was so worried when you lost consciousness. I am so happy tour okay." Nat said.

"Let me go please. Please!" I begged.

She shook her head and walked out of the room. I could sit up luckily. I looked at wrists and they had them bandaged up. I slowly took the bandages off. I stared at my cut covered wrists.

I slowly stood up and put the bandages back on.

I walked into the living room where Thor was eating poptarts and throwing the trash down on the ground and demanding for another one.

Clint was all gloomy and looked like he was in his usual Ima-craw-in-those-vent-pipes-and-piss-everyone-off-by-dropping-stuff-on-their-head mood.

Nat was looking at him with looks that were calming. Mr. Stark and Steve were having their usual fight, but instead a random topic it was about how to help me.

Steve said they should take me to a real doctor instead of Bruce.

Mr. Stark was saying that Bruce was fine.

"It is my decision. You cant just take me from my apartment." I said making everyone freeze and look at me.

"Oh, hello friend Peter." Thor was the only one who spoke.

"Kid, you should be resting." Mr. Stark said eventually.

I walked over and sat beside Nat. They all were quiet for minutes.

"Peter..." Nat said before I rudely interrupted her.

"No. I am not going back to "my room" I am going to stay out here. And that is the last of it. Unless you would like me to go to the police and tell them that the Avengers kid napped a simple town boy?" I said looking around to look at their faces.

Clint was the first to act. "Well if your not gonna listen, would you like to join me down in the gym?" Clint asked.

I nodded and got up. Mr. Stark glared at Clint and looked away. He must have been happy I am doing something at least.

3 weeks later

"Yes!" Clint yelled at the screen.

"Men. So arrogance especially when it comes to football." I looked at Nat as she said that.

"Hey Nat, I am not acting like that." I hollered at her.

She glared at me with a smile and walked off.

"Kid. Go look on your bed." Steve hollered at me.

I walked to my room and there on the bed was the suit. I was so happy that I almost screamed, but I am 16 I am no screamy.

Flash incident

I was walking around school when Flash walked up to me and asked, "Hey Penis Parker? What are you and that dumb "Avengers" doing these days?"

Everyone in the hall stopped at this. Dumb what bothered me the most, cause even though she can be mean and commanding Nag is not Dumb.

I walked over to Flash and said real loud so everyone can hear, "Natasha Romanoff is anything but dumb, stupid, and idiotic. I mean yeah, she can be really mean and all, bit she is not Dumb.' I also spat in his face

'So ever call her that again I will kill you my self." I said with pride.

I went to walk off but he grabbed my bag and flung me to the floor, and i screamed as pain went through my back from a pencil or scissors.

"How tough are you now? Huh, Penis Peter?" I looked up at him and I tried to get up, but I couldn't due to the pain in my back.

"Peter! You good?" Ned asked while running over to me.

I looked at and his hand and took it. He helped me up and helped me with my back. He smiled and then his face went to horror. I was shoved into him, and I turned around punched Flash in the face.

He looked at me and said real loud so everyone in the hall could hear, "Penis Peter here has been messing with the Avengers. We all want to know how you know them.' he bent down and whispered in my ear' How the fuck do you know them?"

I looked up at him and said, "Go die in fucking hell!' and walked away.

"Peter! Peter! Peter!" I turned my head to see MJ running to me. "What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want." I said real slow.

She gave me a look then asked, "How do you know the Avengers and Spiderman?"

I walked away at that question. Ned asked me a whole bunch stuff. I even told him that I got the suit back.

He was really happy about that. I told him that Natasha Romanoff was Black Widow, and Steve Rogers was Captain America. He was happy to be friends with me again.

Back at Stark Tower

"Hey! Bruce?" I hollered.

He came to my aid.

"Yes?" he asked.

I had him help with my back. He said scissors went into my back, then asked how it happened. All I told him is Flash my bully bullied me.

Nat was at the door when I said that.

Bruce said he was done with me, and I got up to run after Nat.

"Nat, please." I begged her.

She turned around and yelled at me, "I cannot live with people who bully you." She said close to tears.

"Why do you care so much? Why Nat why? Why cant you let me live a normal life? I mean every kid out there some where bets bullied. You do know that dont you?" I said to her.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, and nodded. But I knew she did care about my life.

Clint walked up to her to hug her, but she drop kicked him and punched him until Steve pulled her off him.

"Whoa. Whoa. Nat calm down." by time Steve said that she was in tears.

Everyone came in to Steve yelling at her to calm down. She started to calm down to Steve telling her everything was gonna be alright. Even though he came k to the room to her beating the crap out of Clint.

"So... So... I... Am... So... So... R... Y... Cl... In... T." she said while stuttering.

He walked over to her and hugged her.

"Its alright. Its alright." he said to her. They walked out of the room.

After they exited everyone left in the room stared at me with questioning looks.

"I dont know." I lied.

And as I walked I could feel all eyes on me. I stayed away from Clint and Nat. I would see them at lunch on the weekends or dinner after school, but other than that I hardly saw them.

Finals at school

When time came for finals Mr. Stark made sure that I was ready. So the day I went to school for finals I was ready. Ned and I had fun and we were friends again. But after school is what really matters.

I guess that Flash didnt want me to go to class with blood and bruises on me. Cause once I got outside he and his gang beat the living hell out of me.

I didnt tell Steve or Mr. Stark. I must wanted to go straight to my room, but on the way there I watched out for Nat.

I turned the corner and right into her.

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